Reviews from

in the past

Fun little game to pass some time.

99 Levels to Hell is just what it says: Play 99 levels and kill a boss in hell. It is a simple, fast paced, 2D shooter with some RPG elements. You are moving constantly, avoiding traps, and killing enemies and must do this as fast as possible because the levels are timed. Well not really “game over” timed but if you take too long, the game will “punish” you and you need to get out of the level fast. There are different themes throughout the levels which offer new enemies, new traps, and new environments all the time, so it definitely has enough variation to keep it fun.

The story is a little weak and boring unfortunately, not that I was expecting something amazing, but still, I did not give a crap at all. I just wanted to see what came after level 99 and picked up some pieces of the story here and there. Not spoiling anything but let me just say that the game would work fine without a story at all.

The graphics are cartoon styled and are not bad, although nothing special. The bouncing effect of the bullets is nicely done though. The music on the other hand is awesome. You got multiple hard rock/metal tracks at boss fights and it works fine well this game. It will really pump you up (or me at least) when you pump a boss full of lead, so I give it credit for the soundtracks.

The controls feel fluent and very responsive, just what you should expect from a 2D platformer. There are some jumps which have serious flaws in them (like jumping after going trough a portal) but overall, it is fine.

The RPG elements of this game includes collecting gold for power ups, upgrades for your weapons, special items to aid you and bombs to use as a secondary attack. There is a fair share of new weapons in the game you can collect although some of them are clearly better than others. You also play as different characters, but you need to find them first. The chances of finding them are random so completing the game at least twice is necessary.

One minor complaint is that when you press escape to pause the game, you cannot press escape again to resume the game. You need to press “Resume” in the menu. Like I said, it is a minor complaint.

The game can be really hard if you do not power up your weapon at the earlier stages and play fresh from the stage select screen. Sometimes it is easier to replay the earlier stages and get to the later ones all buffed up.

Overall, I had a fun experience with 99 Levels to Hell and, for the low price, would recommend it.