Reviews from

in the past

I would have given it 3 stars for a cool story with awesome locations and decent combat, but I got a game breaking bug at the end where I couldn't progress. Do not play PC port.

Excelente juego, con buena jugabilidad y buen apartado artistico, aunque los mundos parecen que los alargaron por que si.

meu deus eu amo tanto esse jogo meu videogame quebrou antes q eu terminasse inferno

Bom, eu tenho uma série gravada no meu canal:
(é sem comentários e câmera pq n tenho tudo né galeris kkkkkk, só gameplay msm)

E sobre o jogo... É FANTÁSTICO.

Um plataforma 3D mto surpreendente, eu tinha um preconceito por sla me pareceu mto simples olhando vídeos rápidos sobre ele, mas qndo peguei pra jogar n consegui parar mais kkkkkk.

Jogo excelente, historia pesadíssima, recomendo!

one of the best games ever made and i’m not even kidding.
i would love to see a remastered version one of these days,

alice pisame la cara im mentally ill too

one of the best games ever the themes the clothes i was obsessed

This was honestly a surprise. An amazing surprise. Really enjoyed this game and love it. The artsyle of each chapter sections is amazing and fits so well. The creepy atmosphere fits so well with this game. Graphically, it is so amazing looking. Visually great. Character designs fit so well. Really like the 2d cutscenes. Facial expressions looks good. Gameplay is very fun. Combat is good. Weapons are fun as hell to use. Platforming is very great. Soundtrack is great too. Alice is also written very well. Story is also written very well.

I really don't like the weighted platforms. They can be very annoying when jumping to another platform. Also for puzzles, if there is a skip puzzle option what's the point of having puzzles and mini games here? Also wish that they tell you what the upgrades can do since I was confused on what they do.

Overall, a very dark game that's amazing. Love how dark this is for Alice in Wonderland. Would definitely replay as many times as I can. I highly recommend to anyone.

Le tengo mucho cariño a este juego porque fue de los primeros que jugue en mi xbox 360 y lo rejugaba a cada rato

they kept on deleting my saves:(

I really liked what I played, until I hit a game breaking bug and the game became literally unplayable. I had to return it cause I couldn't get the game to load.

Amazing game, what a great plot, the story is excellent and the gameplay is really cool, despite having a very messy lock target.
The macabre tone they gave to Alice is perfect, at first it's all very crazy but it makes more sense as the game progresses.

The game is showing its age in a lot of areas, and its older clunky movement can feel frustrating at times.

Despite all that it's an amazingly creative and memorable game. The most fun take on the Alice in Wonderland story I have seen, with beautiful and diverse environments to explore.
Combat and movement while outdated now can still feel very responsive and satisfying. And it has an intriguing story that remains strong across its runtime.

After the massive success of the first game American McGee's Alice (2000), Alice: Madness Returns came. As good as the first, this franchise is a distorted and heavy version of Alice in Wonderland.

The story is deep and intriguing and we easily get attached to it, it is a story that transmits several emotions and it has moments that we were not expecting at all.

The gameplay is good and it's not that hard to get the hang of it, the graphics are beautiful and the levels require some exploration because there are collectables and secret areas to discover.

This game is a masterpiece, one of the best of its kind. It's a must-play for every gamer!

Mechanically, this game is by no means ground-breaking. It plays like an average 3D platformer from the early 2000s, complete with random weird minigames, annoying combat and repetitive, padded out levels. What made it worth playing for me was the fantastic visual environments (and variety of them) along with the dark, intriguing story. It's certainly interesting but ultimately difficult to recommend unless you can tolerate the mediocre gameplay.

La vd que esta muy guapo este juego pero el final me parecio super abrupto

Oh man I love the aesthetic so much but I can't rate it higher, because the gameplay is so repetitive.

Nome: Alice Madness Returns
Plataforma: Xbox
Data: 16 Abril 2024
Horas Aproximadas: 62 Horas
Dificuldade: ☐ Muito Fácil | ☐ Fácil | ☑ Normal | ☐ Difícil | ☐ Muito Difícil

Terminei esse aqui ontem e pelo amor de deus, obra prima demais. Eu amo um jogo que tem um conjunto mínimo de mecânicas básicas e explora elas ao máximo em puzzles e no combate, e esse aqui faz com maestria. Os inimigos extremamente únicos e criativos pra mim são o ponto dourado nesse jogo,
joguei no hard então eu espumava horrores quando tomava um dano do nada ou vinha uma horda de inimigos difíceis de matar.

Além disso, os puzzles são daqueles que você quebra a cabeça, ganha uma úlcera pq pulou meio pixel errado e fica extremamente satisfeito quando acerta. Apesar do jogo por vezes me parecer longo demais em suas fases, e dos problemas de crashing por ser uma engine antiga rodando em PCs atuais, ainda assim me dava vontade de explorar e encontrar os colecionáveis e de descobrir como seria a próxima fase psicodélica e o próximo capítulo caótico da vida de Alice, mesmo após ficar puto ou cansado de explorar wonderland. A estética não vou nem comentar, pois a Internet já divulgou muito bem o quão perfeita é.

Love this game, what a shame it's by dumbass EA

La grosse dingo hystérique d'Alice qui poignarde tout ce qui bouge au pays des grosses merdes.

Me atrevo a decir que de todos los juegos que eh jugado hasta el momento, este es el que tiene el combate mas divertido. Háganse el favor, vale la pena jugarlo solo por eso

Faltam jogos assim hoje em dia.

Its pretty cool it feels like quite a cozy place where Alice goes to, will need to finish this though