Reviews from

in the past

Final fantasy e Angry birds tendo um filho

This has no right to be as great as it was.

Fun ahh game when I played it several years ago

this unironically would probably still hold up as a great game today

possivelmente um dos melhores jogos mobiles já feitos, oq é estranho por se tratar de um rpg de angry birds.
muito divertido, dá pra jogar por bastante tempo sem enjoar, mas acaba tendo um salto de dificuldade forte no final, oq pode frustrar um pouco
mas faz parte, jogos têm que ser desafiadores as vezes, até mesmo um com público alvo infantil

This game is unironically good, except maybe some mind-numb grinding process but it really does its job well. So sad seeing this thing go

Um dos jogos de celular mais divertidos que joguei até hoje e por engraçado que pareça, esse jogo que me fez gostar de RPG em turnos

E N İ Y İ O Y U N (mobil olarak)

hayatımda oynadığım en iyi oyun

One of my favorite mobile games. Gameplay’s fun and the music slaps

the best of the time. too sad it was become p2w and even deleted

greatest rpg of our times

idk why the fuck ive decided to play this but its not bad.

One of the highest rankings I’ll give a mobile game. Only penalized by the difficulty spike since they still tried to make money with micro transactions. They took it off the apps store.

what the fuck?? A decent rpg from the really mad birds?????

this is one of the best angry birds spinoff honestly. you all know that. I know that. one of the best soundtracks in a series with great music, captures the toons art style the best out of anything else we've ever seen, and the rpg gameplay is legit super good and refined. this needs to be a top priority if rovio continues bringing back classic games

Valla en çok oynadığım oyunlardan biriydi

The peak of turn-based RNGs

Yes the gameplay isn't perfect but the vibe they were going for with this game is insane. I can't even begin to explain how much this made me love the world of ANGRY BIRDS of all things for the art style alone.