Reviews from

in the past

Not as fun as I remembered when I was little. Being Bruce WIllis in such scenarios, though, it's still epic.


~ Uma mistura de plataforma com TPS, protagonizada por ninguém menos que Bruce Willis e com uma trilha sonora composta pelo System of a Down. Jogo curto, difícil em alguns momentos, com uma história pastelona e jogabilidade divertida - excelente para passar o tempo. Recomendo.

"Strap one on it's time to jam" is also something you can tell your girlfriend when you want to have sex.

Genuinely a quick fun game. Cutscenes feel way quieter than the main game so I couldn't follow the plot at all, probably not something worth following though.

Back in the old 64-bit era famous actors were just starting to feature in video games, but many blew it off as child’s play. Bruce Willis is one of the first actors to have a game built with him as the main protagonist that is not based on a movie. The game features a very detailed Bruce for the time with some solid pre-rendered FMVs thrown in the mix as well. The game features a noncoherent story that makes no sense, but when Bruce is involved it’s all about the action right?

The game has an over the top view and you shoot all around you using the face buttons. You can jump, but as the camera goes, jumping can be a bitch and is probably the hardest part of the game. Not being able to move the camera in his environment is very frustrating and almost ruins the game. You can pick up different limited weapons such as homing missiles, plasma gun, electro bolt etc. nothing special. Each level, however, is very well laid out and the enemies have nice designs. The game is hectic, face paced, and pretty immersive.

At the end of every level is a boss fight and these can be easy or hard and they vary throughout the game. A problem I ran into is instead of using the second analog stick using the face buttons makes shooting diagonally hard, which leads me to mention that the difficulty is very unbalanced. Some levels are easy some are hard throughout the game and that’s a bad thing.

Bruce Willis lends his voice and there are maybe 20 or so lines…yeah that’s it. Cliche stuff such as “Ohhh you want some too?!”, “Kill ’em all it’s time to jam!”, and various groans and grunts. In my mind that isn’t using Bruce Willis to his fullest potential. This game could have been cooler and more than just a name tie-in. I also feel a co-op mode would have been good here as well.

All in all, Apocalypse is a fun weekend shooter, but nothing more. Bruce Willis’ talent was wasted, but if you can get over the annoying camera, controls, and lack of an interesting story than Apocalypse is just for you.

First time I listened to a SOAD music.

You run around as a low poly Bruce Willis and shoot guns nonstop. It's not very good, but who was expecting it to be that?

This game has all this mad stuff like System Of A Down and obviously Bruce Willis but they just ignore it to make a cool arcade shooter where the final boss is the president. Bruce Willis is mostly memorable for the worst one liners you've heard and going really quiet during the incomprehensible cutscenes, while any licenced music weirdly has a spot in the level? Like as if it's coming from a specific radio placed in the level, the System Of A Down song comes blasting in as you're mowing down enemies and everything's blowing up but the song fades away after a few seconds and you're back to the game's music?

but yeah cool shit. gothy, bad cgi cutscenes that make no sense and a genuinely well constructed twin-stick shooter campaign that leans towards its hollywood actor with set pieces and a funky camera. has aged well in the way that stuff like the Resident Evil films have aged well where it's kind of dumb but very direct in it's aesthetic and intention.

I left the game on as I wrote this and the demo came on but it's just a view of a castle and someone screaming? not really a scary scream though just like "ah!"

Gameplay is fire, music is dope and Bruce Willis kicks ass. We need more games like this.

Bruce Willis gemendo no seu ouvido

Terminei e ainda estou processando todas as informações loucas e o quão esse jogo não possui nenhum sentido e talvez a melhor parte dele seja a modelagem do Bruce Willis, porque se for depender do trabalho pífio de dublagem que colocaram nele onde basicamente ele geme e fala sempre as mesmas simples frases....

A gameplay é simplória, você atira ao seu redor usando os botões de ação (ou o analógico para rotacionar) e pula, somente isso. A câmera é tenebrosa e travada, fazendo com que em algumas sequências que necessitam de pulo, você perca a noção de espaço e de queda, resultando em mortes estúpidas.

Assim como os inimigos totalmente sem carisma, as armas não me transmitiram nenhum prazer em usar. Tipo, você consegue até carregar um míssil teleguiado?? O jogo realmente não quer fazer nenhum sentido e tudo bem, mas eu não curti a seleção de armas.

Pode até parecer ser divertido sair atirando loucamente em inimigos que aparecem simplesmente do nada, enquanto você só anda para frente em cenários aleatórios, mas não, ele na verdade é um jogo com potencial limitado e que o mesmo foi totalmente jogado no lixo.

Como o jogo não é grande, eu me dediquei a terminar para ver por completo e com meus próprios olhos, todas as bizarrices que poderia acontecer até o final. No geral, foi uma experiência cansativa que eu não recomendo.

Say whatever you want about this game, but i loved every single second i had with it. The soundtrack, the gameplay, the story, THE SOUNDTRACK AGAIN. I loved it all, it doesn´t make any sense, but that´s not the point. Just enjoy the ride.

Played it with my friend when he gave me his cursed silver PS2 and it was pretty fun.