Reviews from

in the past

Completed the achievements for this on the Xbox Live Arcade, including getting 4 ghost kills for each power up on a single level. Very satisfying, and of course this is a (reskin of a) timeless classic. But not amazing to go back to in 2023; fun for a couple minutes.

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Gameboy Advance. Classic.

🥨For the cute cutscenes
🥨For the nostalgia and cute aesthetic

2 🥨's out of 5

Review in progress:
It's an arcade game/10. Fun for a few minutes.

It sure is MS. Pacman aka its better than Pacman

Please come back to us, Ms. Pac-Man, it hasn't been the same since the divorce

One of my earliest gaming experiences is playing this and Galaga on a cabinet my great uncle owned. A game so simple and basic managed to have me hooked for years, and it remains my favorite arcade game of all time.