Reviews from

in the past

I felt more excitement in this game with the story of how a couple after the loss of their child turn around a corrupt Egypt and begin what will be know as The Brotherhood of Assassin's.

Pros for this game are the lush environments, the combat system, and of course Bayek and Aya (two if best characters in this series).

Cons for this title are the activities as I had no interest in finishing them after getting the basic achievements and the glitches experienced.

Eu nunca fui um GRANDE fã da franquia Assassin's Creed, mas esse jogo me pegou. O mundo aberto não é dos melhores, apesar de estéticamente bonito e apropriado para era, ele é bastante vazio e desinteressante de se explorar. Mas a história e os personagens, unido ao gameplay com um bom parkour e um sistema de stealth satisfatório, me ganhou. Bayek é fenomenal, e sua busca por vingança é emocionante. Ademais, a origem dos assassinos também é cativante. Essa versão acompanha DLCs e batalhas com os deuses, batalhas essas que apesar de não serem SUPER inspiradas ainda são divertidas e desafiadoras.

Incluyendo a los DLCs este juego me parece muy bueno, un paso correcto.

A literal work simulator, only good thing about this game is the realistic depiction of Cleopatra era Egypt, appart from that, it´s a game where you do:
Level 10 min. Main Quest->Grinding so you get to level 20 -> Level 20 Main Quest -> Grinding so you get to level 30 -> Level 30 Main Quest
Would rather be one of those people who unclog sewers in India by diving into the shit, seriously apalling game in every way.

Just when you thought ubisoft could not botch the combat system or parkour any further they do so. There is very little control now and the combat seems to attempt to be like a less punishing souls game except its just clunky as fuck and pretty much forces you to grind.
The story is very boring with the hidden ones dlc actually revealing the namesake for this game. the curse dlc is filled with bullet sponge enemies and bosses that even after maxing out and getting the best gear youll be struggling.
The map suffers from mad max syndrome (massive map for no reason). To go anywhere is a chore and the entire game is a grind not fun at all. Oh and ship combat is back and shittier than ever. Just be glad its only a few missions. Id avoid this one like the plague as it makes unity look really good and that game is completely shot.

For those of you that want to experience the story without dealing with the bullshit I gotchu with a 4k ultra 60 fps game movie here:

It's great running around ancient Egypt, but most of the quests and locations feel like busywork. Exploration is hamstrung by the awful loot system.

Beautiful Egypt, but boring story and gameplay. Latest DLC is the best part. Too much repetitive content.