Reviews from

in the past

Not knowing that there actually was a DLC for Syndicate that I didn't yet own, I moved on from it after finishing the main game and the "Dreadful Crimes" and "Last Maharaja" DLCs, and started Origins. Only when I was half way in, I realized that there was this "Jack the Ripper" DLC, so I picked it up after Origins - which was a shame as it was much harder to get back into the old control and fighting style. Still, I enjoyed every minute of it.

Jack the Ripper plays 20 years after the conclusion of Syndicate. Evie married Henry and migrated with him to India, but gets called back to London to assist Jacob in solving a series of gruesome murders in Whitechapel; only to find Jacob missing. Evie then tries to solve the mystery of Jack the Ripper, and has to use some of his techniques as well. We also get to play as Jack the Ripper (there's a constant switch between those two), and get to be really gruesome, while also getting the glimpse into a disturbed mind.

The game play was majorly extended for this DLC - we get new kind of weapons, different effects, totally new abilities and moves, new and different side missions, finally the return of the Paris Murder Mysteries, and a totally new fear system, that allowed you to strike terror towards nearby enemies by being as brutal as you can when killing enemies. This, already makes it feel much more dark than Syndicate. But of course that's not all - the entire city is toned down, there is a seriousness and fear, the music is incredible, and our main characters have aged and look more serious and worn down themselves. This all adds to a dense horror atmosphere that is only multiplied when you get to play as the Ripper himself (who is masked the entire game), realizing that he is an Assassin himself, and having a distorted view that includes his thoughts being literally written out and disappearing again on the screen while you play. And while you play you realize that all the victims are actually acquaintances of Jacob -- and so it creeps into your mind: Could he be the ripper? And if yes, what the hell did go wrong here? This only added to my overall horror.

This tiny DLC is so captivating, so scary and yet also so new and different to the main game, that it deserves it's separate rating from the main Syndicate game - I had to finish it as fast as possible and did so in a couple of hours; and it was an incredible experience, even though I was really annoyed with not having the controls down anymore and being used to the new systems Origins introduced.

This is by far one of the best DLCs out there and worth the price that they'll ask for it (which is usually about 15€, but also often on sale for half the price).

Absolutely loved it!

Assassin's Creed Syndicate só que bom????!!!????!!!!??!?!

It was a nice DLC, HOWEVER, I used to play the base game at about 60 FPS, whereas I could have max 30 FPS on this DLC with NONSTOP FUCKING DROPS WHAT THE FUCK.
This DLC was the last breath of my old and faithful PC... RIP.

(Review from Jun 2020) Well-contained and interesting epilogue to the main game. Was able to crush it out in a few hours and was satisfied with where these characters ended!

PEDRADAAAAAA que DLC boa da porra

Que DLC maravilhosa, bicho. Não só expande como melhora o jogo base. Ter uma Evie mais velha como protagonista foi uma baita escolha. E os trechos que tu joga com o Jack são perturbadores, pra dizer o mínimo.

Sei que é só uma DLC, mas ainda acho que podiam ter explorado um pouco mais da história e talvez colocado só algumas missões a mais. Mas ainda assim, é uma das melhores DLCs que joguei.

Syndicate já tinha garantido meu posto de jogo favorito da série e a expansão só solidificou isso.

It's better than the main game

Uma das melhores dlcs já vistas em toda a história, evoluiu tudo que o jogo base tinha como defeito
(Jogado no Xbox series S)

Idk, this just felt off compared to the main campaign. That or I’m just not in the mood for more AC right now

Probably the most messed up, foul and depraved Assassin's Creed has ever been. This DLC has plenty of great locations, a short campaign and some real nasty shenanigans to offer. Avoid the usual side activity bullshit and just fly through the story. Good fun.

This is the coolest DLC I have ever played. By pretty far. Like, literally. This is the best DLC of all time.

And that's not just because I'm a huge Jack the Ripper guy, but the way this is executed and presented is so fucking beyond cool.

I adore how they didn't just treat this like another DLC, but clearly put so much effort and passion into it, and pretty much made it its own little game, and sequel to Syndicate.

But I wish they didn't still have cargo delivery side missions. Literally the worst side missions.

I think I'd even go as far as saying that this is more creative than the main game.

I really didn't expect them to go this hard. I expected a little thing—maybe more akin to the Dreadful Crimes—and with name-changes and everything, but no. They went hard.

They very clearly care so fucking much. And it pays off.

This is my favorite Assassin's Creed game.

Enjoyed this perhaps more than the main game, at least for its further development of Evie. Liked her in the role of an older, more mature assassin. It definitely feels believable that she was the intended the sole protagonist from the beginning. Not completely sold on the "Spooky text to simulate insanity / mental illness™" or the disconnect in representing an actual horrific murderer as an Assassin's Creed character fantasy™ but, that ship has sailed way before this games release, both for this killer and others. A good add-on nonetheless. Enjoyed the atmosphere, the new scare mechanics and, the chance for Evie to shine more.

This is a great DLC, although it still could have been the most solid experience in all the post-released content in the franchise. I say this because while we have an incredible main storyline, with a very charismatic villain and one of the nicest protagonists, the game fails to develop the secondary character, which isn't an obligation, but the problem is that the game introduce these characters and make us wait to see when they-re going to be important and, in the end, we never get to see it.

Besides this issue, I think the game is very cool, the story is good, not the biggest plot, but a very nice one. Also, I think the game struggles with performance, I played on a PS4 Slim, and it felt very rusty, I dealt with some crashes and bugs, but I'm already used to Ubisoft, so there was no problem.

So, by all that, I think I can say this is a very nice DLC, especially if you hated all the focus on Jacob that the main game had. Here we see Evie as a true protagonist, still having to deal with problems left by her brother, but this time she is alone, which means fast success. I recommend this if you like the franchise, besides that, there is no big focus on Jack the Ripper as a historical character. Loved it.

pretty much nah. not too smooth jumping back into syndicate after so much time either. bought it on sale years ago so finally have it knocked off the backlog, but really just nothing to write home about.

Set 20 years after the events of Syndicate, this expansion sees Evie Frye return to London to find her brother missing, his gang twisted into a malign force occupying the streets of London and the infamous serial killer, Jack the Ripper, at large. The big gimmick here is that we play as both Evie and Jack; first we get to gut our way through an area with the Ripper, and then follow him as Evie. Both make use of fear against their enemies; in particular, when Jack starts killing the screen starts to pulse and flash ominous messages across your vision as he sinks into his psychosis. A decent chunk of London is explorable, although I can't say I was wild about having to clear out the world again.

épicoooo, muito melhor q o jogo base

more like jack the pisser cause i swear Ubisoft is taking the piss

a solid DLC. really leans into the dark and fucked-up aspects of the Victorian London setting that i don't think Syndicate explored nearly enough. not incredibly memorable, but entertaining and very atmospheric.

Acho que essa é uma das melhores DLCs de Assassin's Creed, namoral. Ela é muito mais interessante que o jogo base, a campanha é bem sinistra e é até gostoso os novos comandos que adicionaram.

É uma pena que a Ubisoft esteja tão presa na fórmula do Assassin's Creed (não é como se ela não gostasse, né) e meio que impede DLCs maravilhas como essa de se tornar algo principal. Eu vejo de boa uma campanha no jogo base com a temática do Jack The Ripper, sem a baboseira de Assassinos x Templários. Não é como se eles fizessem isso pensando em dar continuidade no futuro, eles só tão fazendo pq... sim?

Então, é uma ótima DLC, recomendo pra caralho.

Ubisoft put their 2 braincells together and had a good ideia for once.