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I suck at rhythm games, but it's Avicii, this guy is 🔥🔥🔥

Score: 70/100

A loving tribute to Avicii. The insanely popular Swedish DJ tragically passed away due to suicide in 2018, and this game is essentially a love letter from the fans to Avicii. It's the first and only rhythm game I've ever played, and... I utterly suck at it. The game features some really awesome spectral and spacy visuals and their simplicity does a good job of balancing out the intense gameplay. My enjoyment of the levels themselves heavily depended on the quality of the songs. Some are great, some are fine, and some are just flat-out annoying. Therefore, I've mainly just stuck to replaying and mastering the songs that I like while almost completely ignoring the songs of lesser quality. Overall, a game that I may return to and try to improve on in the future, but for now I'll just say the game is good and move on.

One of, if not, THE BEST rhythm games of all time. The story, although minimal, adds a nice touch of humanity, and the gameplay allows for multiple levels of play. I will note that the DLC tracks, although really good songs, are clearly intended for higher level players who mastered the base game.

It's just a rhythm game with Avicii music. Not really a fan of his music so I finished first section and quit.



This is a tough review to write. I enjoyed the game, but there's too many things that irk me in the gameplay department.

Let's start with the positives. Usually I don't like too much pop music, but Avicii was always one of the few exceptions to this precedent.

Song Highlights:
The Nights
Waiting For Love
Friend of Mine
Fade Into Darkness
Without You

The game itself looks really nice, and I enjoy the occasional free-fly sections. They break up the rhythm gameplay and give you a short break from mashing buttons.

Now, the negatives.

- Blind turns during gameplay make it hard to read ahead and react to incoming notes. Fortunately, this isn't as much of a problem with the flat sections. More rotation cues won't immediately fix this, as notes in quick succession will still trip you up if you can't see.
- Your field of view changes based on how well you're doing. As a result, it's hard to recover when the FOV shrinks after missing notes.
- Rank barriers aren't very clear. After some experiments, rank is not based on pickup%, but instead on your score. The game doesn't tell you the score required for a particular rank.
- Perfect timing is also unclear. The developers say the timing window is 40ms, but it's not easy to tell where to hit in reference to the ship. A permanent judgement line setting would help here.

I've flip-flopped on giving this game a positive/negative rating over the course of my playtime. I've decided that I will give it a positive one, because the game is only sometimes frustrating to play.

Schöner Tribut an Avicii! Die besten Songs seiner Lebzeiten sind vorhanden und wer sich nicht mit ihm auskannte wird viel gute Musik von ihm für sich entdecken können. Die Level haben eine grandiose Steigerungskurve was die Schwierigkeit angeht und motivieren zum erneuten spielen. Leider hatte ich Probleme mit minimalem Inputlag was bei einem Rhythmusspiel dann doch störend, aber nicht vernichtend ist. Musikfans und Rhythmus-Games-Enjoyer sollten hier auf ihre Kosten kommen!

The best rhythm games make your button inputs feel in sync with the music, and unfortunately, that's where this game falls a bit short. Too often I felt like I was just pressing random buttons while a track played in the background. Some of the inputs feel strange and unnatural, and it's can be hard to get into a good flow.

All that said, I'm glad this game exists and can serve as a sort of tribute to Avicii because during its best moments, it's magical.

Como um apreciador de jogo de ritmo, eu adorei o Avicii Invector , por mais que seja curto, é muito divertido de se jogar, além de ter músicas fantásticas.

it works perfectly fine as a rhythm game, but the biggest probglem for me is just focusing on the level itself because of the way levels are laid out

I didn't know anything bout Avicii or his music but I had an itch top play a rhythm game and saw this was a couple of quid to download. Turns out it's a pretty decent rhythm game that fits quite well with the cheesy music. I wish I coyly remember how to spell 'rhythm' without any confusion but it's a word that won't stick in my napper.

Word of warning - there are some Chris Martin vocals in this

Really enjoyable rhythm music game.

很少玩音游 这款还可以 可能是因为歌好听吧

not into this type of game just played through it for testing out stadia for rhythm games

RIP Avicii. It was a shame what happened to this man and his talent, but luckily it was all well preserved. This game is a great rhythm music game. I wish more artists would make games like this out of their work.

surpreendentemente interessante!

é um jogo de ritmo em que o jogador corre atrás das notas, não são elas que vem atrás de você (como os maiores clássicos do gênero fazem, como guitar hero).

o jogador controla uma nave que não é algo separado do cenário, mas parte dele: nas fases, há seções que saímos do jogo de ritmo para viajar pelos bonitos cenários, e depois retornamos ao jogo.

é difícil de explicar, mas é um jogo que mistura o frenético com o contemplativo. muito dessa contemplação que o jogo propõe talvez venha de uma melancolia pelo próprio tema, já que avicii morreu em 2015 de forma trágica, e estava envolvido com esse projeto.

mas apesar dessas partes conceituais bem bacanas, o jogo como jogo de ritmo não me agrada tanto. eu senti o timing do jogo desregulado, a ''nota perfeita'' é muito inconstante. além disso, o jogo mexe com uma tridimensionalidade, em que você se move entre os lados de um triângulo, e apesar de ser inicialmente interessante há poucos usos realmente bacanas e eu, particularmente, me canso muito com poucas músicas por conta desse atributo do jogo.

enfim, a maioria das músicas é muito bacana de se tocar, e se você é fã do DJ a experiência fica ainda melhor. ah, uma coisa diminui um pouco essa nota é a falta de opções de treino e mudar o mapa de botões, é um jogo um tanto limitado por esses aspectos também.

A love letter to this amazing artist wish there was more songs not even my fav song is on there lol but it’s a fun game man

Pretty solid rhythm game that I may be a bit biased on because I really like Avicii’s music

I love rhythm games and I love Avicii's music, so I knew I would this game. I would have liked to see a larger soundtrack as there are some songs missing that I like from him, but it is still a pretty nice selection of his more popular tracks. The story in the game is pretty much non existent. There technically is one, but there might as well not be one as it's pretty boring in my opinion. Of course, most people play rhythm games for the music. The controls are pretty tight with the exception of when you turn the sides with the analog stick. That can get disorienting at times. Also the game seems to make it really hard to get the perfect timing on notes. Great rhythm game remembering a legendary artist's music that will never be forgotten.

I was not very knowledgeable about Avicii prior to playing this.

Glad to say that I really enjoyed a lot of these songs. The invector gameplay loop is also quite fun although I found it a little too difficult to manage at the higher difficulties.

This is just a pretty and neat way to play through Avicii's catalog. Very happy I played this.

avicii didnt die for this