Reviews from

in the past

Uma piora extremamente grande do clássico de PS2

As músicas eu gosto por conta da nostalgia, me lembra a época que eu chegava da escola e ia assistir Bakugan no Cartoon Network (bons tempos :D);
Os gráficos são bonitinhos, mas ainda sim, eu tenho a impressão de que eles pegaram os objetos dos personagens no play 2, aumentaram o brilho no talo e colocaram nesse jogo com as roupas baseadas em Nova Vestroia (Que é a temporada de Bakugan que esse jogo se passa);
Isso aqui eu acho que era pra ser um jogo para criança, e na minha humilde opinião, eu achei o jogo bem difícil em algumas partes, principalmente para crianças que não estão acostumadas com jogos e pegam este para jogar. As batalhas nos Estados Unidos (Principalmente com Brontes, Altair e Wired, que eu estou representando pelos Bakugans pq eu não lembro o nome dos parceiros deles) são bem estressantes, não chega a ser injogável, mas é meio complicado.

Se fosse o caso de existir algum outro jogo de Bakugan, recomendaria muito que pegasse a jogabilidade do play 2 dos bakugans, e a jogabilidade Stealth do de play 3, acho que ficaria um excelente jogo!

This is the type of game that probably divides people into 2 groups. People who played the game or enjoyed Bakugan as a kid and people who have no idea what it is. I was in the latter group, but having played around half the game, I'm pleasantly surprised. Let's get the obvious out the way, Bakugan is a dated childrens game, which is very simple to play, a little repetative and has horrible graphics. Yet hiding under all of that is a fairly fun animated game. Bakugan is a pokemon style creature brawler. You have different Bakugans, think pokeball and pokemon combined, with different elements (water fire etc) and their own attacks and abilities. The game tells a, as far as i can tell, original story of a boy who is dropped into the bakugan universe. You have to help all the "famous" Bakugan characters to save their world. The story is cheesy as hell, but fun for kids and surprisingly well fleshed out with nice simple cutscenes. The gameplay is split into two different sections, which adds a bit of variety. A simple 3d roaming collection and sneaking section, where you need to get to the end zone without being spotted. This is followed by a battle section where your Bakugan of choice will fight against of bakugans to defend your base and destroy the enemies base. There's a little more to the gameplay, but its fairly simple and easy to pick up. It's not mind-blowing, but It's a pretty interesting game, and I would say a worthy addition to a collection, especially if you have kids.

Not gonna lie, its actually kind of fun in a sort of simplistic way. Its kind of like playing a dumbed down armored core or Zone of the Enders, where you're in a giant arena and asked to fight other large monster/mech like enemies. Not the greatest thing in the world, but if you're looking for something easy to play try this.

Note: I played the psp version because that is the copy i owned as a kid and wanted to take a shot at playing again. Never played the console ports, though I guess i should take a look at them at some point.

Even as a kid I could tell this was kinda mid

Bakugan game that is more fighting oriented, Great if turn based isn't your thing

While I enjoyed this game, it's pretty obvious this was marketed and presented in a way that would only be appealing to Bakugan fans.
The story is largely forgettable, the graphics are fine and the gameplay is pretty basic.
Before each battle in the story, you'll get to roam around a level, where you can find cards and other various stuff to power up and customize the play style of your Bakugan. If you're a completionist, you could find the exploration to be pretty fun.
During quite a few instances in these levels, you'll have to use stealth to get past security guards and such, otherwise, you could lose stuff such as currency. (or a vexos pass if you have one of those)
It's a little weird since it feels like you're playing two different games, but I didn't mind it.

O cd não funcionava direito

good bakugan only topped by the original bakugan battle brwalers

Worth a shot if you happen to come across it.

This game was WILD on the Xbox 360. It was a Godzilla simulator, destroying the environment and button mashing to kill opponents. Super fun

I logged so much time into this game as a kid hahaha, story is super mid though but gameplay was fun

Brawler basic enough for elementary kids to grasp. Worth revisiting for nostalgia's sake but not much else.

Es infancia pero el primero era buenisimo

The most underrated game of all time. Change My Mind.