Reviews from

in the past

deveria ter lançado mais tarde, só em 2023 q o jogo ficou jogavel. BF4 continua sendo o melhor

Multiplayer ain't that bad, but why does every one use the VHX?

Got it for 9 EUR, it's fine. Best thing about this game is that you can play maps from old games. In fact, I think that's an underrated feature.

Battlefield 2042 is like mixing horse shit together with dog shit, creating the ultimate piece of shit. Most of the maps are really flat, barren fields with people camping in the bushes sprinkled throughout the map, they still haven't fixed a bug after 2 years where your mouse and controller inputs are dropped for a few frames at a time, they consistently change the gunplay for the worse and keep buffing the already dominant SMGs, and they only drop one new map and a couple of guns every 4 months. You're only getting bug fix updates in between those 4 months.

When EA and DICE kill Battlefield franchise...

buggy shit ass game also killed battlefront 2

Battlefield standartının altında kalan bir yapım. Yine de baya eğlenceli.

Yeah, im gonna get hate but this game is so much fun.

Most fun comes from holding one point on top of a skyscraper, or point D on orbital. There aren't enough good FPS games, please God bring me Titanfall 3

É o Battlefield com o gameplay mais bem fluido do que seus antecessores

EA ultimamente tá foda kkkkkkkkkkkkk, hoje em dia atualmente o jogo tá jogável, mas no lançamento, deus q me livre

Even after all the updates; even if there's more content, maps; Battlefield 2042 still lacks that Battlefield feel. All the maps are forgettable, not even pretty, most of them are empty, just making you running for 3m before going back in action. Weapons seems too flat, even the big LMG have the recoil of a pistol. "Specialits" even after the class rework system are one of the worst ideas of the franchise. However 128p is a good idea, simply, the just don't put it to good use. Better go back play Battlefield V or 1

Would be good if it worked as intended (On Launch)

Por que voce fez isso DICE? você só tinha uma unica missão...

O jogo se recuperou com o tempo, mas está léguas aquém do que deveria ter sido

While it's been brought up to the level of alright and the squirrel girl is stupid fun to play, everything else about this game is mostly average. And getting this game a month after launch is one of the few times I felt like I was ripped off by a game

Thinking about this game makes me sad. Look how EA has massacred my boy.

Hoje em dia o jogo ta bem melhor q no lancamento
mas ja perdeu o timing

Cuando lo probe al principio estaba con muchos errores pero ahora merece la pena, tanto en PS4 como en actual generación.

Esta muy bien eso de poder mejorar las armas contra los bots pero los juegos de modo guerra no son para mi

i played the beta and i didn't like it at all

pela primeira vez em anos eu volto a me divertir com um multiplayer de BF, porém, ainda acho que desperdiçaram muito potencial desse game, poderiam ter feito diversas melhorias ao longo da vida útil do jogo que poderia o tornar um dos melhores BFs já lançados. uma das coisas que de fato não me agradou é não ter um modo campanha, com isso, o preço cobrado pelo jogo se torna alto, já que você estará pagando apenas pelo multiplayer, caso tenho um Xbox recomendo jogar pelo Game Pass, caso contrário, não recomendo que pague o preço cheio do game, se for muito fã espere uma promoção boa.

It’s bad. More promised than delivered. Only saving factor is the devs still work on it to help salvage the shitfest that is this game

It's fine and all but the fact Star Wars Battlefront 2 died for this makes me resent this game.

Was actually fun to mess around with for a few days

da pra se divertir bastante

worst battlefield game by a long shot