Reviews from

in the past

Battletoads (1991): Los creadores serían crueles psicópatas sin sentimientos, pero qué talento. La tensión es constante, el ritmo perfecto y el diseño brillante. Sí, abusa del ensayo/error pero si obvias los problemas de dificultad típicos de la época es un imprescindible (8,10)

No irony, I love Battletoads. A wild juxtaposition between obscene difficulty and the derpiest animation alive. The kind of game that takes itself seriously through its situations and soundtrack, but then throws you a rubber duck with giant teeth or a boss with 1 frame of animation. It just wears its structural DNA on its sleeve, warts and all. Iconic.

Play this Genesis version if you can. It's kind of a rush job port (no ending or credits???!?), but the difficulty is so much more digestible. If it weren't for that last stretch of Rat Race/Clinger Winger/Revolution, I could see myself doing this on real hardware.