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in the past

what a shit show i fucking hate this game

meu irmão veio pra minha casa com o switch e eu me apossei dele durante 6 dias só pra zerar esse jogo

kind of a weird controversy from the previous VA of this game right before the release which made me wary, but like... good gameplay... and the new VA did great.. no notes

Creo que es simultáneamente el peor de la trilogía y mi favorito. Cosas como los Kaijus no cuajan del todo bien, son lentos y ni siquiera se siente bien combatir usandolos. Aún con todo el juego tiene algo que no se explicar.

The real torture attack was playing the game.
Jokes aside, there were some cool ideas, but the fun and charm from the previous games are basically gone.

bayonetta sections of this game are absolute peak
jeanne sections are some of the worst ever
viola sections made me stop playing and sad because its so bad

Probably the most let down I've ever been by a game lol. Hard carried by the fact that the bayonetta sections were fun, the viola sections made me want to kms LMAO. Story was also dogshit, glad it came out shortly after i got into the serious bc i would've been mad tight if i had to wait 7 years for this piece of shit like everyone else

A fun, campy arse romp. The game goes full multiverse but in the best way possible.

Shame that a lot of the combat and platforming challenges where felt clumsy and difficult, really took away from the highs of the combat and huge kaiju set pieces.

Would recommend people play, but just stick to the main campaign

huh? what do you mean bayonetta isn't gay?

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It's a fun time. It seems to be riding on it's successor's prestiege a bit. Doesn't do enough new to really make it stand out. Still enjoyed myself a lot.

EXCEPT WHY DID BAYONETTA END UP WITH THE DORK WHO'S SO BORING I CAN'T EVEN REMEMBER HIS NAME? Part of the wonder of Bayonetta is that she is beyond men. I'm not smart enough to say what I want to say, but it feels very wrong that she ends up with a dude. Especially that dude. Her dying at the end wouldn't feel as bad if it weren't for that blatant disrespect.

Grandioso juego, no es perfecto porque hace cosas peor que el 2 pero es el mejor de la saga igualmente

i thought murder and homicide was illegal but apparently platinumgames is allowed to do it to the bayonetta series. allah surely wont strike u down for this

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I clapped when the infinte Bayonetta's assembled to defeat blue Thanos

Extrañamente este juego me da sensaciones muy parecidas a Dark Souls 3: Gran final que está tan preocupado en darte mucho de lo que te gustó que a veces parece un "Best of", pero consigue también introducir tantas cosas nuevas que la sensación es abrumador en el mejor sentido.

Pero lo que hace que brille es que también parece el inicio de algo nuevo. Un "Cerramos esto pero no el chiringuito entero"

Apesar de já entrar no jogo sabendo que é senso comum que o final não é dos melhores, é meio triste dizer que muito do que faz Bayonetta ser a franquia que é não está nesse jogo. Infelizmente a nova versão da personagem não me cativou muito, assim como a nova protagonista do jogo, a Viola.

Dito isso, a game play é muito divertida, as melhorarias tanto gráficas quando de jogabilidade foram mt bem vindas. Apesar de achar o design de monstros um pouquinho repetitivo, a parte artística desse jogo é mt bacana.

Astounding gameplay improvements with it being both smooth and innovative! The graphics suffered especially compared to Bayo 2 but other than that it was a lovely time.

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There was a time many many years ago when I bought into the hype surrounding Platinum Games and jumped into Mad World for the Nintendo Wii, after hearing the fantastic soundtrack. Platinum games have always received heaps of praise for their hack and slash gameplay, but to be honest, I've just never understood it. They have a habit of switching up the gameplay often, but its rarely in a way that is actually enjoyable. This lends itself to the game shredding off a lot of its potential to be just above average. As much as I am disappointed that this game just was so close to being perfect, I am glad to report that this game has basically bucked that trend entirely. This is Platinum Games' swansong for Cereza, and I truly can see why it took them so long to come out with another Bayonetta title.

This is THE best hack and slash game ever made, at least that i've played thus far. I have played few games with better pacing than this. This time around, verses (the gauntlet areas where you kill a certain number of enemies to progress) are more spread apart, some even completely skippable, in semi-open world stages. This allows for Bayonetta to utilize her impressive arsenal of new demon transformations as mobility to explore and hunt for collectibles, which reward you with plenty of good stuff that I actually cared to collect. In fact, the way this game doubles as a collectathon has it coming top tier in both genres. Obviously, it's not the best collectathon ever made given it is secondary, but it does give them a good run for their money. I always felt the way that Bayonetta 1 and 2 were structured so linearly made the collectibles or hidden verses just feel like a chore.

So, so, so much care was put into this game. ALL of the cringe voice acting, dead and buried. I don't remember hearing one bit of unintentionally cringy dialogue (more on that later). The performances here were brilliant. Are we playing a Bayonetta game for movie tier performance? Obviously not, but the way the characters are acted helps you take them a lot more seriously and actually makes you give a fuck about them. The biggest beneficiary of this is Bayonetta herself, who now comes across as actually womanly, and not just a parody of femininity made by horny devs. Even things like the dance sequences at the end are just done so much more tastefully - she really seems like a woman who is in control of her sexuality and flaunting it, and she feels badass to play.

There is literally only one outright bad level, which is set in Cairo, and it was the only one that made me actually put down the game and stop playing, because of a trash mechanic where you have to mash buttons to crawl out of quicksand. I'd honestly prefer just dying, as this ruins all momentum and is exceptionally annoying when you're trying to collect everything. LUCKILY, where I had saved and quit, it turned out when I next boot up the game, that I was at the end of the level, and that war crime of a chapter was actually not as long as I presumed it would be, so it doesn't influence the score heavily. Some bangers that I really enjoyed were: All of the Thule hub areas, the final two chapters, Tokyo, and Paris. Don't get me wrong, the others had their moments too, and were decent, but those knocked it out of the park.

I've heard plenty of criticism for this games multiverse plot and saying that it was wasted potential because of the infinite possibilities. I honestly don't really know what they expected in a stylish hack and slash game? I thought the way that Platinum utilised all of the alternate universe Bayonetta's was actually very creative and, some of their moments were surprisingly touching. Hell, the start of the game took me completely by surprise with how sombre it was - it was a fantastic launch pad for the rest of the game and it barely ever let up. The games fantastic finale had me shedding tears too, i'll admit, though it's just a shame that the heavy failings in storytelling and delivery in the first two titles did little to set up this tale - all care you have for these characters is quite literally built in this game, because they weren't really that likable before, or you just didn't care about them. Luka and Bayonetta's romance that was always intended since the first game is actually believable in this game, whereas before you knew they were meant to have a thing but you just never really felt any chemistry with their acting.

Performance wise, this game really runs quite fantastically on the switch. I had actually considered not buying it because I read plenty of reviews slamming the performance, but I ran into basically zero issues and I played (mostly) handheld but also docked aswell. I'm playing on a 4K screen so even with the 900p resolution I thought the game's graphics still looked serviceable, which is all I could ask for from a console as weak performing as the switch. You can really tell that this game is hardcore pushing the limits of this hardware, Platinum must've had to work magic to keep this game running well. There are dips to like, 50fps occasionally, but it's really not noticeable enough to call an issue and it never affects your gameplay. The ONLY noticeable dip in performance I saw was during the second to last Chapter, there was three enemies during a boss fight that randomly gave me slowdown until I killed two of them? It was rather jarring, especially given as there wasn't much more happening on screen than usual, if at all.

Presentation in this game is fantastic - gone are those shit dimension maps where you pick your level. Now, you have a charming little scene of Viola's bedroom where you can throw darts at the level nodes to pick your stage on a world map, but the little details like every object in her room having an appropriate sound effect for being hit with the dart if you do so, is what really sells this. The UI is the best it's ever been too, far less confusing, with plenty of unlockable costumes and colours that I found myself changing constantly, which I did not in the first two. Gone are the days of stupidly buying skills from the Gates of Hell, hello to the wonderful world of having an actual talent tree. FOR EVERY WEAPON. And there's no shortage of them either, you will literally get a new weapon every area of the world you visit, sometimes even two at once. It's insane - just by the time you've nearly maxed out the tree on the one you've been newly perfecting throughout the level the game hurls another at you. It never gets boring - the same with the gameplay mixups. Bullet hell segments, on rail shooter segments, boss battles utilizing Bayonetta's arsenal of demons? They're all fun and don't overstay their welcome - Platinum really knew what they were doing here, with the exception of the shitty Godzilla style battles? There are only like 3 of them in the game and they don't last too long but jesus christ, they suck if only because of how slow you move. It's like they thought the two of you moving at a snails pace would make it more dramatic, but its just boring. The soundtrack is dope as usual, too.

Another common complaint I see is regarding the two other playable characters, Jeanne and Viola. Contrary to the common opinion, I actually did enjoy Jeanne's levels - they were short and sweet 2D side scrolling stealth segments, however I can understand the criticism given that if you don't like that sort of thing it's completely jarring, and it is required to progress the story. I found them fun, however, and thought they were handled with the same Platinum polish that is everywhere else in this game. Viola, on the other hand though, ergh...

Viola is the new character introduced right at the start of this game. Is she outright terrible? Nah. But her gameplay is just totally lacking the polish that is present everywhere else in this game - she feels alot simpler, but ironically the simplicity of her kit makes her alot harder to play because of how clunky it is and how few options you have. This is especially true when shes side by side to Bayonetta, who has literally some of the best, varied gameplay i've seen to date, and Viola is just excruciatingly mid. Hell, where Bayonetta has like 8 or 9 talent trees, Viola only has one, which I maxed out immediately by the end of her FIRST level. If Platinum wanted to go this route they SERIOUSLY needed to give her alot more to work with to make her remain interesting. Her soundtrack goes really hard though. Unfortunately, she makes the ending somewhat bittersweet too, given that she's really not all that much of a charming character. As I mentioned early about the VA, there's no unintentional cringe here. However, Viola is intentionally meant to be a bit of a quirky, outcasty type character who's a little awkward and puts on a brave face. She also has an american accent, which is really strange given the context of her. The problem with this is that she just generally isn't that likable and she only has like one or two good lines in the whole game, and the rest of them are just nothing or make you recoil a bit with how cringe it is. Thankfully, she only has three stages in the whole game, and one segment in the last level, but my god do those bits feel like a slog. It's not like the levels are bad, she just makes playing them feel worse than they should.

I think if I carry on talking about this game I will have an aneurism because i've been writing for so long and I have a headache. Basically the game is sick and you should play it if you're into hack and slash games, this is one of the best you'll get in my opinion. Also just like the good old days theres an unlockable demo for what would later be Bayonetta's next game, Bayonetta Origins, which I thought was commendable and is something companies just don't really do anymore.

Story was decent, gameplay felt like more of the same. Ending was really cool. I hope Bayonetta 4 is better.

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maybe even a 5 if viola never existed, the ending was crazy except for the part were they kill the best character for no reason and try to talk us into liking Viola.

No but seriously, this is such a great game. It’s fun, it’s camp, it’s a total bop. Although we now have this less horny bayo (A FACT THAT IS ACTUALLY EXPLAINED IN THE GAME, MIGHT I TELL YOU) she is still amazing, she’s still serving, still a legend, and still the moment.
Bayo 3 has some of the best moments of the entire saga, from Diva’s Dance references (but make it demonic!) to some of the best showdowns of videogames.
The last 2 hours of the game got me screaming, ugly crying, laughing, and, surprisingly, dancing.

It honestly is a wonderful ending to the saga. Please, PLEASE, do play it. You’re gonna have so much fun.
(Do I wish this was actually a ps5 game? Yes. It would be wayyy more amazing, ‘cause it just pushes the Switch systems right to it’s limits. But if a Switch game is all we could get then I’m effing GRATEFUL)

El peor de la trilogía, pero sigue manteniendo muchas de las cosas positivas que caracterizan la saga de Bayonetta.
En anteriores juegos, el personaje siempre fue tan sexualizado que hasta daba risa, pero a la vez Bayonetta era dueña de su sexualidad y se sentía cómoda y empoderada en esta, por lo que el personaje y sus juegos llegaban a sentirse como una experiencia súper camp, similar a una drag queen. Esa vibra siempre fue uno de los mejores aspectos de estos juegos. Todo esto se pierde en gran parte en este último juego de la trilogía, posiblemente porque buscaban hacerlo más comercial. El toque camp no desaparece por completo, pero si se siente que lo disminuyeron a propósito.
No sé por qué ocurre esto, pero el juego se siente inferior gráficamente que el anterior, siendo que este era para la Wii U, algo extraño ya que la Switch es mucho más potente.
Las diferencias en los controles del tiempo brujo de Viola respecto a Bayonetta afectan negativamente la experiencia de combate, a pesar de que el personaje dentro de la historia está bien logrado.
La música sigue siendo excelente, con muchísimo estilo.
El personaje principal (Bayonetta) sigue manteniendo su toque en cuanto a combate, expandiendo sus habilidades de una manera muy divertida.
El final SÚPER apresurado, forzado y muy decepcionante, creo que ese es el punto más negativo de este juego.

What ? there's a third game?
No, I don't think so

honestly so disappointing it had a lot of potential that it didn’t rlly live up to. sad :/

Either Bayonetta has gotten easier or I've gotten better at Bayonetta.
Clumsily wrapped up, but the journey to get there was as extravagant as ever. Must have taken some inspiration from Nier, what with all the ruined cities and genre breaking.

as the resident annoying bayonetta guy, it's a shame that I don't care to complete this.

chained to the nintendo switch, platinum games tries their best to make their version of DMCV on the platform. The action is still mostly fun but it just sidetracks you with these weak ass puzzles and side missions. I would like them if they were more fleshed out but this just feels like they wanted to make a different game. Also this shit runs like doo doo garbage on this busted ass hardware. Best case for why we need a new switch,

The latest entry in the hallmark character action series is stuffed with absurd set pieces, wickedly fun action, and terrific production value. It stumbles frequently due to camera woes and unsightly technical blemishes, but there’s no better game in the genre this year.

Full Review:

i had a lot of fun with this one but at the same time it feels like an empty shell of the first game? loved how the action felt and the masquerade demon designs were chefs kiss but the settings felt recycled from the first two games. the homunculus enemies are pretty boring visually. the story's pacing feels all over the place and i still think the first one is my favorite game. tbh i cant say i don't like this game because it was fun at times and ran beautifully as a switch exclusive, but a lot of people's critiques are valid in this case.