Reviews from

in the past


This game is a train wreck and I love it. I don't need to talk about all of the stuff everybody already knows about; the nonexistent AI, the infinite reverse glitch, you're winner, et cetera. It's genuinely fun,but for only about 5 minutes. I can't give this anything other than a 1/10 for how broken it is, even if it is hilarious.

My name is Craig Tucker. Last week was my birthday, my grandma gave me a cheque for 100 dollars. I was so happy. But then, 4 kids from my school came to my house, and said I should use my 100 dollars to invest in becoming a Peruvian flute band. they promised I would double my money in one afternoon. But the government arrested us, along with all the other Peruvian flute bands, and took us to an internment camp in Miami. We begged to go home, but instead the government told us they were sending us to Peru. And so that is why I'm now in Peru. if I die let it be known it is because 4 guys I don't even like from my school lied to me and took my birthday money.

This is the funniest game ever made. I love to hate it, and how utterly fucking hopeless it is.

Until it gets boring after liker 15 minutes but eh.

This game cost $40 when it came out.

What the FUCK

this is easily the best game ever, the level design is so damn good man.

weird how the people who made this made spongebob kart racers

backed the truck up so fast, the globe started spinning backwards and i ended up in the 1800s?

Easily the best reverse driving mechanics in any video game to date.

Didn't even get ONE crusty handjob from from Travis at the truck stop during this entire endeavor. What the fuck passes for a "Truck Driver Simulator" over there in Eastern Europe anyways?

You can get half an hour of entertainment from the technical mess that this game is.
Without a doubt one of the worst games of all time, but you can at least find some amusement in it.

this game is so bad,it kind of has an aura to it

I do not believe in "ironic enjoyment".

When I say I enjoyed this game more than Friday Night Funkin I'm being 100% serious

Everything you’ve heard about this game is true. There’s no physics, there’s no collision 90% of the game, it’s all grammatically incorrect, and I love it. Everyone needs to play this game. This is the funniest game of all time. It makes no sense. But you have to play it in short 10 minute bursts like once a year because it’ll get boring quickly. The game sucks in every way so I’ll have to give it a low score, but you really have to play this game in the right way to enjoy it a little. 0/10 game but I love playing it.

This was a game that was published, released and sold in actual game stores. That thought baffles me beyond comprehension.

Stopped playing Elden Ring to play the magnum opus of video games.

God forgot to add the physics engine to Earth the Game V0.03

- I only ever watched like half of one YouTube video about this game back in 2011, so I'm mostly coming in blind here
- Shockingly, it turns out that when you disregard any complex physics principles like momentum or friction, it's pretty dang easy to keep your vehicle on the road at full speed
- Is there a reason why that crashed helicopter is there?? The whole game feels comically janky until that, like there was suddenly a moment of menace in this goofy mess
- Driving straight towards a bridge only to clip through it and drive under it is peak comedy
- Playing this with my kids was the right choice, they couldn't stop laughing
- Kind of disappointed that Nightride doesn't work! Finished the other 4 though!

i played this game more than cod as a young child

When are mfs gonna realize complexity doesn't automatically make a video game better. You could say The Last of Us 2 has 400 layers of symbolism and I wouldn't give a shit cuz I thought Big Rigs: Over the Road Racing was funnier and had more of an impact on me.

Moving backwards 10,000,000 times faster than the speed of light is the only good part of this game.

Best game of all time, no bugs, ton of mod, realistic game play, RTX 69420tisex needed to handle the graphics