Reviews from

in the past

Ruim demais, dá até preguiça de explicar

Depois de muitos anos na geladeira enfim resolvi jogar o jogo do Chifu em mundo aberto, lembro vagamente que esse jogo recebeu muitas críticas por vender como um jogo AAA tendo mecânicas simplistas e muitos problemas, e aqui vão alguns.

A começar pela história ela é muito básica, existe um narrador que vai nos contando muitos diálogos e isso é bem desanimador (entendo que seja fator financeiro), a gameplay que é o ponto alto deveria ter maiores opões de personalização, o jogo mesmo dispõem de muitas coisas, mas as principais são ignoradas.

Um breve resumo pro Biomutant é o jogo que tinha tudo pra acertar e acaba ficando no raso, um potencial jogado fora seja pela ideia e até pelo resultado.

It starts out pretty fun with an interesting post-apocalyptic world and a huge map and lots to explore, but about halfway through it gets repetitive and the number of sidequests feel astronomical. The equipment crafting was my favorite part.

Every enemy is spongy every fight is tedious half baked open world ideas and rpg mechanics and a narrator that wont shut up.

I thought it was kind of fun for a solid 2 hours, in a "mindless open world game to play while listening to podcasts" way, but oh my god is it annoying. Full of baffling decisions, boring combat, a morality system that's stupid even by the standards of video game morality systems, etc etc etc. I enjoy garbage from time to time but, like, fast-food-empty-calorie-type garbage and not actual slop from the dumpster

Somehow, I knew very little about it. I heard general disappointment but I didn't understand why. Seems like I skipped the disappointment because it was on PS Plus. I didn't wait on the three year delay or pay full price?

It was fun. I wasn't expecting the level of detail from the beginning. When you create your character, their appearance changes with their attributes. (Your furry friend would get a larger skull if they had high intelligence or large, buff shoulders with strength as examples.)

The open world has different biomes to explore: swamp, forest, snowy caps, etc. Plus smaller areas with types of pollution. That encouraged me to be on the look out for gear that would protect my racoon character.

The crafting was expansive. You could craft and upgrade gear from scratch with parts you found. Different weapons had their own set of combo buttons. No gear is locked behind classes.

I liked the tools you get during the story and there's some customization options for two mounts. I wasn't expecting the quirky humor either. From unlocking fast travel by pissing on sign posts to the angel and devil karma characters arguing with each other.

The story was the weakest point. Bit repetitive and predictable. The world was suffering, thanks to the previous inhabitants and their pollution. Biomutant likes to give you the sense that karma/choices matter, but it doesn't in the long run. Bit of a bummer since the game keeps telling you the paths you choose have consequences. I guess they only meant outside of the game?

Funny little guy.. that is all.

This is pretty bad. I wanted to like it I have to say, taking it as a free game on PS+ and booting it up, there was some promise. But it felt clunky, the world was empty and it simply just didn't work. Gave up after about 4 hours, it just wasn't for me

This game could have been much better but it was also way better than it had any right to be. It is very repetitive but it also established an interesting world that I was glad to spend time in. I hope Experiment 101 is able to take lessons learned from this game and expand and build upon what they built in Biomutant.

A spiritual successor to the Fable series, improving on that series' gameplay and movement, but there's still something to be desired in the story department. This World they've built is so original, I hope we get a sequel so we can continue to explore this universe.

Biomutant is a game that tries to be a lot of different things, but also doesn’t try hard enough to commit to be any of them.

It’s an open world 3rd person shooter action adventure puzzle platforming rpg.

The open world is fine enough, with beautiful and mostly interesting environments, although some area can look very samey (all sewers look almost exactly the same, for example).

Biomutant claims to focus on ‘kung-fu’ combat, but is so inefficient that you’re better off using anything else. Finding or making a halfway decent gun will get you get through the game just fine.

The ‘puzzles’ aren’t even worth being called puzzles. For the most part you just rotate knobs until the yellow and white parts face in the direction of the matching color. You also have to be lucky to get a puzzle that can be solved within 10 moves. The game also tells you that increasing your intellect stat will increase the number of moves for these puzzles, but I saw no such thing happen in my playthrough.

The platforming elements are slippery, for lack of a better word. Constantly getting stuck in a rock or something, accidentally activating glide which just makes you fall down almost instantly, etc.

The story, what little of it there is, is basic. Which would be fine, but every single line of dialogue is a rough translation of they are saying. Which leads to you hearing the narrator say the same 5 or so lines over and over.

Biomutant is not as bad as people say it is. The game is kind of a fun ‘turn your brain off and shoot things’ type of game.

2 of my friends raved about this game for a solid week, I couldn't get behind it. However, i am the only of us who didn't own a cat.

Briefly started this but I've cancelled my PS Plus and it just expired so I can't play it anymore. It seemed ok but I'm not going to lose sleep on not finishing it.

Looks pretty nice but plays like toxic waste

There are a lot of game design decisions in Biomutant that left me scratching my head. Character progression was off, with too many upgrades for powerful playstyles and not enough for weaker ones. Loot progression was mishandled -- I only ended up finding 2-3 upgrades on the weapon type I liked in the 25 hours I played. Assets were blatantly and distractingly copied and pasted across zones in many occasions. The combat could be clunky at times, and the balance was just off between melee and ranged weapons. The story line was also very minimal.

Despite all of that, I had a great time with Biomutant. The environments were gorgeous, and the world was fun to explore. The character and creature designs were unique and endearing. Despite being clunky at times, the combat was overall very fun, allowing you to combo gun and melee and pepper in psionic and mutagenic abilities. The storyline and characters were charming. The various mounts and vehicles were particularly enjoyable ways to traverse the landscapes.

I think Biomutant shares a similar fate to the original Fable -- it promised a world of innovation, but only delivered a charming action RPG with a few gimmicks. I'm fine with that. I wish the systems were a bit more fleshed out and impactful, but in the end, I enjoyed myself and the game put a smile on my face.

I'm giving Biomutant a 3.5/5. Most of the individual components of Biomutant were 2/5 or maybe 3/5, but, for me, it just came together to be an all around good time despite its shortcomings. A game only needs to do a couple of things really well, as long as its mediocre aspects don't detract too heavily from the experience. Biomutant nailed the atmosphere and environments, while delivering plenty of fun along the way.

Not much to say here. This game looked like it might be pretty neat right up until it released. I eventually gave it a shot when it came to PS+ and it turns out that the critical reception was spot on - not much to enjoy here.

tentei dar uma chance, a proposta até é boa, mas no fim o jogo é chatinho...

Tinha uma grande expectativa por cada anuncio do jogo, mas foi uma grande decepção do ano.

This game seems to have suffered a bad developpement. Too bad because I really liked the atmosphere. The zeniest Apocalypse ever.

i was so excited because it looked promising but once i tried i got very disappointed

easy? story is meh. mindless game play

Pior que o jogo parece super interessante, mas não achei excepcional, os secundários não tem carisma. O lance também de não ter dublagem deixa o jogo meio estranho. Tem partes do mapa que são interessantes de explorar e outras que não. Além da história chatinha de acompanhar, não me sentia envolvido na vingança pessoal do nosso personagem.