Reviews from

in the past

"We swim in different oceans but land on the same shore."

as much as every BioShock game is fascinating, it does feel like Infinite is on a league of its own. such an ambitious, narrative driven sequel that flips the script in every way. while i miss some of the aspects of the first two titles, it's indeniable that this is a first rate shooter still, thrilling from beginning to end.

kinda shocking how head-on this game tackles period racism and religious hypocrisy, even though it ends in a pretty centrist and non-commited position. it does bear remembering that it tells it story through Booker's eyes, and Booker's pretty far from being a good person by any means. so when he says "there's nothing different between Comstock and Fitzroy" he's pretty much conforming to his own moral deficit.

after this game, the BioShock series can be everything and anything at all, and i honestly think that's wild.

(This review is for the version of this game that is included with the Xbox One Bioshock Collection)

I have mixed feelings on this game when it comes to story and the way combat works compared to the previous entries in this franchise. You can only hold two weapons at a time and the story gets weird and hard to follow at the end when they introduce some bizarre universe stuff lmao

Game looks pretty though :)

Esse jogo é tão bom que me causa tesão pqp

This is literally my favourite game ever. I love it so very much. It's the video game that made me love videogames. It took me from a Minecraft and Lego Marvel Superheroes child and made me into a single player narrative driven MAN

I love this game so much. The vibe. The gameplay. Elizabeth. It's all perfect. I played it when I was about 11 and it genuinely changed how I view games. These things aren't just for fun. This is truly a storytelling medium and Bioshock: Infinite is a story that couldnt be told in any medium other than a videogame. Having this be the first game I really beat as a kid was important as I never really processed what I was doing and now when I go back I notice so much more and learn to appreciate the game all over again. It's amazing and will forever be my favourite game

bom pra krl zerei em 1 dia não, entendi porra nenhuma e fiquei brizado nessa merda por quase 1 mes

Probably my favourite game and series along with mgs.
Bioshock always had so much freedom in choosing how to handle fights, and in this game it gets even better with Elizabeth, but the real reason why I love this is Columbia's stunning atmosphere, the dynamic between DeWitt and Elizabeth and much more factors that are better experienced than said.
Recommend this to anyone really.

BioShock Infinite is a game I wanted to play for a long time now, despite not having played the previous games in the series.
I got into the game with high expectations, and I gotta say, it managed to surprise me.
First of all, the story is quite mind-blowing; it's actually a bit too convoluted and slow at times, but everything makes sense towards the end, and the ending in particular is one of my favorite parts of the game. All in all, BioShock Infinite's story is both complicated and impressive, as well as inconsistent.
The highlight of the game in my opinion, howevere, is the representation and world building; they're amazing.
The characters are good too, especially the main characters and particularly Elizabeth.
Also, the visuals hold up well because of the art style and the music is very charming.
The gameplay isn't on par with the rest of the game unfortunately because it feels a bit clunky and I didn't like being limited to use only 2 weapons at a time, but it's still enjoyable nonetheless with a nice amount of different weapons, abilities and upgrades.
As for the DLC, I didn't feel motivated to play it yet but I've heard it's quite decent.

+ Compelling narrative
+ Excellent representation & world building
+ Engaging characters
+ Great music
+ Fun gameplay

- The combat system feels slightly clunky
- 2 weapon limit

Narrative: 7/10
Gameplay: 6/10
Characters: 7/10
Music: 7/10
Graphics/Audio: ?/10

Final Rating: 7.5/10
- Very Good -
With an intriguing narrative and spectacular world building, BioShock Infinite is a videogame experience that soars high even to this day, despite showing its age in some areas.

Do I recommend it?:
Yes because it holds up very well.

História mt boa, mas a gameplay é mais ou menos e o gráfico é meio datado até pra época

Shoutouts to this collection so I can finally play the dlc

Debt. Debt is the main focus of the narrative of this game both financial and metaphorical, but I won't go into spoilers, but I hope those who have played the game agree with what I mean!

The game is quite beautiful visually and holds up really well even these days from the real damn hard work that they've done when making this game. However, much like rapture, it too has it's own problems revealed later on with the corruption and revolution not far away.

The concept was certainly very different, being a far more religious-based situation with regards to how Comstock and his followers deify the founding fathers. Buying into the worst of their bigotry and classism. They game has Vigors instead of Plasmids, but often act the same, but have some new abilities too like releasing crows and such. You play as a PI, down on his luck and owing money to the point that he's been offered this one job to get rid of his debts. "Bring us the girl and the debt will be paid" which gets repeated often due to the aforementioned fact it's the focus of the narrative.

The levels are all huge and part of that is due to the skyhook that gives you a hell of a distance to travel by hanging on these wires and giving a whole new angles to the combat. Not to mention using it as a melee weapon when needed too. It's a really great game with not just great mechanics, but a great narrative and a beautiful ending and a wonderful character in Elizabeth.

Fan promedio de Bioshock Infinite:

> No he entendido la historia
> El gameplay es una poronga
> ¡5 estrellas!

((3.5 juego base + 2.5 Panteón marino Ep. 1 + 2 Panteón marino Ep. 2)/3 = 2.6666666666666 = 2.5)

Unlike the rest of the series, Infinite pretty much gets worse you think about it.
No doubt an impressive game, but its goal was to be impressive upon first inspection. The story is entertaining but kind of a complete mess and it puts the pacing to a crawl.

The gunplay is as polished as its ever been and yet the combat took a massive hit from bioshock 2, as well as did exploration and progression, both of wich are here but compromised.

It alongside The Last of Us would go to influence alot of big money narrative games for years to come and all I can say im just glad games knew to grow further from this.

Its by all means a fun and memorable game, just incredibly conflicting and frustrating, wich in itself is an achievement and why youll see so much acclaim for it.

É divertido, a gameplay é boa, tem muito da essência dos dois primeiros, mas a maneira que lida com itens me irritou um pouco e a história é menos interessante, mesmo com o final bizarro.

Tudo nesse jogo é bom chega a ser assustador

The best way to enjoy this game, the additional content not only gives closure to the overarching story, but it also connects this game with the previous games, making it a very complete package.

To Infinity and Beyond.
BioShock Infinite is gorgeous, it has some of the best world-building in any videogame, and a very unique artstyle that makes it look special and timeless.

The story's premise is very interesting, it touches some controversial topics, but what I like the most about the game is the 2 main characters, they are the heart and soul of the story and carry the entire game all the way to the end.

As for the gameplay, it's pretty good, the shooting feels heavy and responsive, and the vigors add some depth to it, all in all I'm satisfied.

Unfortunately though, the mission structure is quite repetitive, and combined with the questionable pacing, the game feels longer than intended, also the late game difficulty spike felt tedious and unnecessary.

This is a very solid game overall, it's full of style and flair, the focus on being a fast paced First Person Shooter game is definitely a big departure from the toned down, dark and grounded nature of the previous games. Where Infinite lacks the horror and more experimental gameplay mechanics, it makes up with the improved fast paced shooting and environmental combat.

Final Rating: "Great" ~ 8/10.

I've played this game younger on Xbox 360 (before playing Bioshock 1&2) and replayed it not so long ago on PS4. Entering this world without any expectations was amazing, Columbia is one of the best sets in video games being all colorful and bright at the start but growing obscure and dark as you advance in the storyline. The narrative is a solid one aswell with an amazing plot twist (as you can expect if you played the first opus). Gameplay wise it feels less outdated than its predecessors even though similar. Elizabeth is one of the best companion I've had in a game. The work done on how she interacts with the rest of the world is amazing, even the dialogues she has with Booker are nice and well-written. The only thing the game may lack is some memorable soundtrack but it didn't need that to build an immersive atmosphere. One of the best games/series I've played.

Bioshock infinite pra min é o melhor da fraquia, conseguiram melhorar a gameplay do segundo e retornando pontos interessantes, por um momento senti um desgaste com a mesma gameplay, os inimigos não tinham o mesmo interesse dos outros jogos.

A narrativa novamente se sobressai e se consagra o ponto alto da franquia

Me gusto mucho la primera vez y el gameplay también

This review contains spoilers

Infinite is the game that was not at all what was intended originally but that is also damn good. It was great going back to it, for once I made use of all the vigors and found there is more depth to them (except return to sender, didn't bother). The plot is still pretty messed up, great use of quantum physics but there's a few flaws in logic at the end. I don't see how killing Booker in wounded knee gets rid of every Comstock in every reality.
I had never played the dlc before but I found myself enjoying it. Clash at the clouds was a fun arena style combat with very rewarding upgrades. Burial at sea pt1 was a brief fun extension to the Bioshock gameplay mixing rapture and Columbia. Now, pt2... Jesus Christ, it re-contextualizes entirely the plot of the original game and infinite, some weird writing here and there but overall a fantastic ending to Elizabeth's plot that ties in nicely with the first game.

A história é muito boa, a gameplay no começou eu demorei um pouco a me apegar não sou muito desse estilo mas é até interessante.

One of the best stories I've played with really easy to learn shooter mechanics. The DLC Burial at Sea haunts me to this day.

Começo do jogo é impecável, até a primeira metade é divertido, ja a segunda metade ja não posso dizer o mesmo.Esperava mais

Although I thoroughly enjoyed BioShock and BioShock 2, I ended up liking Infinite the most and it felt the least like a BioShock game. Oh well, that's not a slight against the other two but I think I had had enough of the dark underwater labyrinth known as Rapture and welcomed the brighter, open feeling of Columbia.