Reviews from

in the past

US Saturn Release #023 - Black Fire

Played on a real American Sega Saturn with the Fenrir ODE

This is a unnecessarily complex helicopter action game. Like it's really hard to get into. I jumped into the training mode and got a general gist of how to control my helicopter and how to find, lock onto, and destroy targets, but I still kept getting shot at and downed quickly. It wasn't any better in the actual missions. I think it's just way to overwhelming for a newcomer like me, but at the same time I really feel like most of what's on display here for the controls could have been simplified a bit. Maybe make locking on automatic and limit the different types of weapons you can have. Maybe make the means of locating targets a lot simpler. Maybe stick less to any sort of realism and go crazier with your abilities. I don't know, just something that would make this feel more like an arcade game. At its current state, this is no fun. Part of that is because I'm no good, but I am not given anything worth latching onto that would make me want to learn this game.


Probably the most hideous-looking and unplayable flying game on the Saturn. I know the Saturn was notoriously hard to program games for (especially the 3D ones), but most games fared better than this. Definitely one of the worst rentals of my childhood.