Reviews from

in the past

A mostly tedious, scare-free horror adventure.

É dificil explicar o quanto eu odiei a experiência desse jogo.

Nenhum dos setups da história tiveram alguma conclusão satisfatória, nada fez sentido o suficiente para eu me dar por satisfeito, nenhum aspecto de "terror" era bom o suficiente.

Este jogo foi uma pura perda de tempo, uma grande sopa de nada.

Felt like a glorified Slenderman clone.

Oh Dear Neptune I hate and loathe this game so much. Bullet is the only thing worth half a point.

It dosent start too bad. I am a fan of the original film so I enjoyed just spending time getting lost in the woods. And you really care about bullet.

Overtime, the games true colors show and it becomes a disaster. When you realize you literally cannot even play the game to get the GOOD ending? What a joke. It feels like it wasent even play tested. How could they have designed something so unfun to do? Something that ignores the mechanics YOU MADE FOR YOUR GAME??? And we're not suppose to use them: what if you played a Mario game but to get the good ending you could never jump? Thats what this game is like: just asking "why?"

On Switch the visuals are god awful. Muddy, grainy, blurry, it looks like a PS2 game.

The story does not respect your time or intelligence. The amount of flashbacks or emphasis on the main characters past makes me think the devs thought we were all 10 year olds.

Then you get to the ending. And on paper, the ending should be pure fanservice. It has such a good setup: but then you play it and it is an hour long over played, repetitive section that had my jaw on the floor from how bad it was. I think anything in the world would have been better than that what they came up with.

Blooper Team is just so obsessed with trying to unsettle you by doing something trippy and wacky. But this isn't an acid trip this is a horror game. I don't think the devs know the difference: they were likely high making this.

Nothing about this game is good except Bullet. But they ruin that too by making Bullet's Ai as dumb as bricks.

It will be a miracle if their Silent Hill 2 remake is not just this copy pasted. But what else are they gonna do let's be honest..:

Garbage game.

blair wiautch in this biautch

Finally, some good fucking dog

Fazendo jus ao filme e toda expectativa, tem ótimos sustos, sua gameplay convence até metade do jogo, história fenomenal como de costume da Bloomer Team, uma pena que seja muito mau otimizado.

Um jogo incrivel, como uma história intrigante e um personagem incrivel - Bullet. O jogo te deixa imerso do inicio ao fim e, por ter uma capanha curta, é possivel terminar a primeira run em um unico dia. Peguei o final ruim na primeira campanha, mas definitivamente irei atrás dos outros finais para entender as pontas soltas deixadas.

So fucking predictable. Very few legitimate scares

A major let down after a pretty incredible mood master work "Observer".

Desculpa Bloober Team, a ideia do jogo é até boa, mas o jogo falha em simplesmente tudo que tenta executar.

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love that the central thesis of this is that if you are severely mentally ill you are irreparably broken and will either die or succumb to your extremely violent impulses. this fucking blows, easily the worst thing with the name Blair Witch - when it's not being boring as shit, it's stealing from the movies and all it really made me want to do is watch the movies again. fuck this lol

Hayatımda oynadığım en anlamsız oyunlardan biriydi. Berbat optimize edilmiş pc portu anlamsız hikayesi ve hikaye akışı ne olduğunu kendisi bile bilmeyen hikaye. Ana ve yan karakterlerin hatta ana karakterle tek bağ olan geçmişinin bile çöp gibi anlatılması. Oynanış zaten hak getire ulan alan wake ile aynı kafada ama onda en azından daha fazla düşmana ışık tutuyorduk. Bu oyunu ilk aldığımda düşündüm ki ulan herhalde güzel bir korku oyunu. Keşke öncesinde yazılanlara baksaymışım. Euro gamer ın incelemesine bakmak istermisiniz? Çünkü çok haklı şeyler yazmış. Ulan bi de yokmu önemli bilgileri kağıt kağıt yazmaya doyamamaları. Ulan bari korkunç yapsaydınız oyunu la. Oyun Alan Wake gibi ama savaş ve korku olmayanı. Ve daha kötü senaryolu hali. Ulan bi de oyunda kötü sonu alınca iyice dellendim. Oyunun başında iyi son için bullet ı sürekli sevip yanımdan ayırmamam gerektiğini sanıyordum. Dayı iyi son için bütün totemleri falan parçalamanız gerek. Baktım diğer insanların düşüncelerine herkes oyunun iyi sonunu almanın nasıl bir amelelik olduğundan bahsetmiş. Ya bak atmosfer sesler ortam hatta konsept bile güzel. Ama oyun bu ana karakterimiz Ellie nin askerlik anıları başlar başlamaz hızla yere doğru çakılıyor. İğrenç bir oyun. Sakın oynamayın.

Most people hate this game... I love it. I thought it was cool as fuck

Bullet melhor amigo do homem, não repita o ciclo...

spooky and cool but progression doesnt make sense to me I had to abandon the game sadly

plot previsível, da medo nos primeiros 15 minutos, depois fica chato e repetitivo.

Simplesmente péssimo. Um personagem principal pouco carismático que pouco acrescenta à trama. A ambientação do jogo se esvai depois dos primeiros 15 minutos em troca de mais uma história de PTSD que virou terror. Os diálogos são terríveis de dar dor física ao escutar. Os "inimigos" são mais engraçados que assustadores.

Menção honrosa (negativa) pro último nível. Sem brincadeira, 30 minutos andando pelos mesmos corredores com pouca variação e sem chegar a lugar algum.

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This was HORRIFYING and I am convinced that anyone who didn't like this has never gotten lost in the woods before. Right off the bat, I will admit that this is a walking simulator. I don't think that's a bad thing. The game is short but it's super slow paced. It gives itself a ton of time to breathe, and as you very slowly uncover this mystery (that, by the way, does the time loop thing a MILLION times better than the 2016 movie) it feels so satisfying. The open world lends itself great to the super scary feeling of being lost in the woods, and the tape recorder mechanic was a great way to both mechanically hint at the time travel twist and add some interesting story beats. This was an incredible depiction of PTSD as well, one that made Ellis feel layered and multidimensional and not like a war stereotype, and using the Blair Witch as an allegory for the way that veterans can spiral into this violent cycle was really clever. This is one of my favorite stories of any video game I've ever played and I have full faith in Bloober Team to knock the Silent Hill 2 remake out of the park.