Reviews from

in the past

Honestly a very minor upgrade to the first one making it not as special to be honest.

Y'all ever had that one game you remember playing as a kid but then never picked it up ever again?

This is that game

Uma decente sequência para o primeiro jogo de Bloons TD.

A gameplay é mais do mesmo que o anterior, ou seja, não teve nenhuma mudança drástica na gameplay do primeiro, o que teve aqui no entanto foram algumas mudanças e adições no balanceamento do jogo, o primeiro e mais óbvio é que agora ao invés de um único mapa temos três mapas (sim eu sei que ainda é pouquíssimo mas ainda assim), cada um de dificuldade diferente e presetada, e então percebemos outras mudanças, por exemplo, você tem mais vidas, as torres são mais baratas, tipo o Bomb Shoo... Digo, Bomb To... Digo, CANNON, que no primeiro jogo custava quase 1k, mas aqui custa 520 no mapa mais fácil, ou o Super Monkey que custava 4k mas aqui custa 3.6k no mapa mais fácil, além de é claro a introdução do Boomerang (ou como eu gosto de chamar de Bumeranguersons), cola (Glue Gunner foi só introduzido no 4) e os icônicos Road Spikes (que seriam recorrentes na franquia até o 6 onde viraram poderes atrás de Monkey Money), mas é claro, isso tudo não significa que o jogo em si é ultra fácil, ah mas se não é, tudo isso foi uma desculpa para introduzirem os balões arco-íris e os chumbo (ou como eu chamo de Chumbaba), o primeiro dropa balões pretos e brancos ao mesmo tempo (pelo menos até ser introduzido o Zebra mais pra frente na franquia) e o chumbo é imune a dardos, bumerangues e tacks, mas não a bombas e gelo (ou seja, você sabe né), porém, eu acho que o jogo talvez seja um pouco difícil demais se comparado ao primeiro, sendo uma evolução meio bizarra indo do 1 ao 2, além disso você se sente mais obrigado a usar CANNON e outros macacos para não perder do que elas realmente são boas ou divertidas de usar, e o pior é que os mapas médio e difícil são brutais, já que os mapas tem caminhos bem menores considerando a velocidade baixa até do macaco dardo, mas também as torres são mais caras nesses mapas, começando essa mania de fazer mapa onde você é simplesmente obrigado a jogar de uma maneira específica, algo que se permanece até hoje no 6 e eu não curto nem um pouco, ah e também o lag do primeiro em waves avançadas continua aqui btw.

Visualmente o jogo é mais do mesmo que o primeiro então nem vou comentar nada, o mesmo vale para a trilha sonora, literalmente nenhuma música de novo, apesar dos sfx do CANNON e Ice Tower serem bacanas (sendo que já eram presentes no primeiro jogo).

Não falei muito sobre esse jogo aqui, mas no geral ele é só mais Bloons TD 1 melhorado, e assim como ele envelheceu bem mal hoje em dia considerando o 6, mas no geral é melhor que o primeiro com certeza, mas aí que tá, ele não é muito melhor.


everything that worked about the previous one is added into here, the glue and caltraps, the boomerang monkey's first appearance debut
its all so great
very good way to add some risk reward system to the bloons and give the player more flexibility with their funds aside from just going with sheer defense from tacks or set distance with your dart monkeys or blowin your load for the super monkey

Tava em construção para as continuações

slightly better than the 1st game, but not that groundbreaking with the variety still

Well, it was better than the first, but still this was not it.

BTD1 but just a little more, making it only marginally better than the first game.

Not much of an improvement of BTD1 but it's an improvement nonetheless

What we have here is a great example on improving an existing formula, they already had the skeleton of a game, and then built upon it to make something pretty cool. The new additions from the first game, such as another 2 tracks, a new tower, 2 types of single use placeable objects, and a few new bloon types make for a game that's far more varied right off the bat.

These are all implemented rather well as well, with the placeable road spikes and glue making the game a bit more lenient in regards to making mistakes without completely trivialising the game, due to how cost inefficient they are. This allows the player to be able to recover from mistakes without giving them the opportunity to rely on them too much. The boomerang tower is also quite a nice addition, acting as non-explosive group damage in order to have a way of better dealing with explosion resistant bloons, immediately giving way to more strategic diversity, along with giving a 2nd tower that is able to shoot frozen bloons. This indirectly makes the ice tower more usable, effectively bringing up the amount of new towers by 2, since it was completely useless in the first game.

It's really the new bloon types that make this a considerably better game however, with the rainbow bloon acting as a stronger DPS check than just spamming lower level enemies, and the lead bloon acting as a major reason to prioritise getting explosives early on. Giving the player such early goals shows a much better understanding of effective game design that the first game lacked, and a similar thing is done with the very early, powerful rainbow bloon round ensuring that players have spread out their defences rather than concentrating everything in one location. All of these lead to making a game that while still quite limited in certain respects, goes far beyond its predecessor and makes for a somewhat entertaining diversion that even has a bit of replayability thanks to it having 3 tracks. This is where I can see why people having some fondness for the series, as it definitely shows a lot of promise and for a flash game is just all in all very competently put together.

A definite improvement over BTD1. Lead Bloons are a good way to mix up the gameplay and road items are a good addition. It still feels pretty basic, only adding one new tower, but you can tell the series is moving forward.

BTD2 is a step up from 1, although in general not much has changed. It's still OK.

Nothing really felt different :(

Funny monkey popping balloons game! xD part 2

Definitely feels like the devs heard TD1 was too easy and said "We'll show em", cuz MAN this one is crazy challenging, to the point it stops being all that fun.

Better than the first game but that's it

In some ways a marginal improvement from the first, in other respects it lags behind. There are new mechanics - in particular non-tower objects you can place on the map would prove important for the future of the series. But, replaying this on the Ninja Kiwi Archive, it runs notably worse than BTD1, almost to the extent that I prefer 1 over 2; and is overall a slower experience than 1.

marginal improvement on 1

Basically the first game, but like 1 new tower and some new stage types. Tbh trying to beat a stage after failing is a pain in the ass because the first rounds are so slow, it needed a speed up button for retries.