Reviews from

in the past

I just know I'm going to love this game regardless.

Another great game in the series. It takes everything 2 did right and everything the pre-sequel did wrong and fixes it. I played through this game with a buddy of mine who I played through the first 2 with and had an amazing experience. The lower ranking is for the lack of memorability that the first ones had.

Even greater gameplay, but the story wasn't the best like 2

This game is just wasted potential. Has the best gameplay in the series easily but the story is fucking trash. The story is so bad that like you have to essentially force yourself to play despite having immaculate gunplay. Its a real damn shame. Gearbox is also a bunch of greedy fucks for making multiple season passes and marketing this edition of the game as a ultimate when they would go on to make another ultimate edition.

This game is the Life is Strange of Shooters in terms of dialogue.
However, it is one of my favorite shooters to just fool around with. It feels like it improves on every point that Borderlands 2 got right (except for new characters) and feels so much larger than that game. It's a great sequel in terms of gameplay but it doesn't feel like it takes anything away from it, which can be seen as a positive or negative.
It's a good "stimulation game, " a game you play because it makes you feel accomplished or badass, which is really what Borderlands has always been. If you want more of that, then really look no further.