Reviews from

in the past

Brutal Legend is so good! Shame it's mostly just Brutal Legend tho

Came close to finishing this one but never ending up finishing. Had a decent time playing the game.

Great game but could've been so much more. Also, it's way too short. The multiplayer is a lot of fun tho.

I miss when games were this silly.

Undoubtedly one of the best games I have ever played. With an epic soundtrack that is all about Metal, a fantastic story, good humour, and memorable characters voiced by legendary people such as Jack Black, Lita Ford, Rob Halford, Lemmy Kilmister (R.I.P.), etc. The open-world is quite large and we can travel around it with Ed's (the main character) badass car. There is a lot to explore, find, and collect.

There's is not much thing to talk about it...
Just is my favorite game of all, beacuse you kill demons with a axe and a guitar while listen to heavy metal. I have played over and over again, the only negative point about it is this game is short, you can beat it less than 9 hours.

Exploring this game will scream how much passion has been put into it. It's love for metal and hard rock has been woven into every aspect of gameplay.

The world is absolutely beautiful despite its limited graphics due to the art direction being inspired by many metal album covers and lyrics. The story and dialogue is pretty corny but it is reminiscent of old 70s movies. The gameplay is fairly clunky with the RTS and hack-n-slash components not blending well together, but I can appreciate what they were going for with the rhythm-based hack-n-slash with guitar riffs.

Most importantly, you can never go wrong with the music. All the music are either songs from famous rock/metal bands or originals from legendary artists. This game is what got me into metal as a music genre.

I certainly do not regret exploring and playing this game. It completes its objective in making you feel like a rockstar in a metal world. It's simply awesome.

Dei varias risadas jogando esse game, bom demais.
E um detalhe incrível, é o tanto de referencias, e o fato de Jack Black estar no jogo

Jack black and Ozzy Osbourne.

This game is good only for NPC cast and music, also atmosphere is pretty good during the whole game. The problem is the gameplay...terrible. Action and collectibles parts are pretty boring and RTS battles are confusing and really hard (and way too long). However nice to give it a chance

Sans apprécier le métal, ça ne sert à rien d'y jouer.
Si c'est le cas, c'est un pur délice.

I don't remember if I actually finished this or not

Such a cool and unique game, must play if you like metal music. But i kinda hate tower defense levels.

Why the fuck is this a strategy game? Who looks at Metal and goes "you know what suits this music genre? Slow monotous RTS mechanics."
What's worse is that before then you're totally expecting it to be an action game. But nope. What a waste.

Первые 5 часов игры вызывают восторг. Одно только лайв вступление очень кайфовое. Забавные диалоги и очень креативное окружение оставляют хорошее впечатление на всё последующее прохождение. Серьёзно, первые часы я улыбался как мальчишка.

Душноватые активности опенворлда спасает отлично сделанная машинка с кучей крутых песен в плеере, но которые хрен дослушаешь до конца, если не имеется такой цели. В целом коллектаблсы душные и особой мотивации их собирать попутно сюжетке я так и не нашёл.

Ниочёмная боевая система, для которой ещё зачем-то продаются новые комбинации (возможно проявляют себя лучше на сложности выше "средней" и онлайн режиме). Может быть я просто не разобрался, но зная дабл файн (привет психонавты 1-2), я готов жать "x to doubt".

Консольная стратегия выполнена любопытно, вот только совершенно не увлекает. Сюжет вышел однобокой хренью про харизматичного, но отсталого главного героя (привет психонавты 1-2), который не то чтобы раскрывается по мере прохождения.

Разнообразие миссий заканчивается примерно на пятом часу игры. Благо, что проходится она всего за 9 часов. Хотя после абсолютно конченого сюжетного поворота (перед тайм скипом), я испугался, что игру растянут минимум на 15-20.

В целом это очень креативная и уникальная игра, в которую я могу посоветовать поиграть хотя бы первые 4 часа. Ровно на один вечерок, да. С большой долей вероятности вы кайфанёте не меньше моего (особенно если вы так же любите тяжёлую музыку).

Para começar, os diálogos desse jogo me deram vergonha alheia. Era praticamente uma dor física cada vez que cada um dos personagens começava a falar, de tão ruim que é o diálogo.

Depois a jogabilidade não é nada interessante. Hack'n'slash já é um bagulho meio simples, mas eles conseguiram fazer um hack'n'slah muito mais simples do que a média, que só te faz morrer de tédio. E a parte de hack'n'slash ainda é a parte boa, pois as partes de RTS não dá para nem para aguentar.

O positivo fica por conta da trilha sonora, mas mesmo nesse aspecto é meio decepcionante como às vezes o jogo fica em silêncio completo (trechos em que deveria estar tocando uma musiquinha para animar) ou então encobre o som das músicas com seus diálogos horrorosos.

Já fazia alguns anos que eu tinha esse jogo no meu radar, e devo dizer que foi bem decepcionante finalmente poder jogá-lo.

ideia boa execucao tenebrosa do meio pro fim, nem o jack black e a irma gostosa do lars salvaram

Played for a game design class, didn't really get into it too much. Love Jack Black thoughhhhhh.

Eagerly waiting for the second part where Ozzy Osbourne punches Bad Bunny into oblivion

Played a couple of stages and just wasn't interested in the combat enough to continue. Fun music, though.

Moldou meu gosto musical, um jogo extremamente estiloso e unico.
Mas acho que na de tentar ser um RTS Hack n slash, mundo aberto e jogo de corrida tudo ao mesmo tempo acabou sendo mediocre em cada um desses aspectos

Alright, I know how this goes. I'm supposed to think this game is some kinda cool hack-n-slash action game focused around the motif of late 70s, early 80s heavy metal, but really you're an RTS with driving sections shoehorned in.

Ah-hah! Knew it, big ugly RTS mash-up.

Still kinda fun in a weird way, huh.

Es un batiburrillo extraño de géneros porque por un lado es un juego de acción hack-and-slash con combos en un mundo abierto, pero si quieres usar las magias de la guitarra tienes que completar una secuencia de juego de ritmo, y varios de los niveles son de controlar tropas en un RTS.
Y a mucha gente seguro que no le gusta, pero es que para mí hace click en muchas cosas que me gustan.
Eso, sumado con la temática Metal, la estética y la música, todas las facciones, los escenarios, la fauna...
Me maravilla.
Me encanta. Me fascina.
Deseo muy fuerte que haya más. Pero me tengo que contentar con que esto ha existido y lo pude disfrutar.

Oh jesus, this fucking game. It left me an initial wonderful impression considering it was the closest thing of a videogame fully starring Jack Black as the main character (role that then become full his by becoming Bowser of all characters in an official Nintendo movie, but whatever, I'm digressing).

First off: the game starts really great! Serviceable hack'n slash, apperent open-world exploration and a trashy plot you would expect on a Jack Black metal adventure.

What ruined it completely to me? The strategic segments. Oh my god. It makes you wish you were playing any old Fire Emblem rather than those disasters. And sadly the final one is mandatory since it acts also as the final boss fight. I wasted 3 hours on retry that over and over on an unbalanced mess that I couldn't grasp the fun at a certain point while on paper it sounded pretty promising.

Soundtrack ofc is fire.

This review contains spoilers

If you are familiar with Tim Schafer’s work you should play this one too. Concept is cool but stage battles are annoying, exhausting and confusing. Wish we didn’t have to command an army.

insert Tenacious D reference here

Tim Shafer is one of my favorite game designers and this game is one of the best musical and gaming creations created in the world. Of course, the game has more to offer with its rich plot and tons of great music, but I will still think until the very end that the game should have been a meat slasher than a strategy... it will do just fine.

Тим Шейфер один из любимых геймдизайнеров и эта игра одно из лучших музыкально-игровых творений, созданных в мире. Конечно, игра больше берет своим насыщенным сюжетом, тонной отличной музыкой, но я все равно буду считать до самого конца, что игре нужно было быть мясным слешером, чем стратегией.. сойдет и так.