Reviews from

in the past

Wow! Pretty robots! Maybe the layoffs aren't so bad!

A semi-clunky John Wick in a robot office simulator.

End Credits go hard and the stealth is mostly fun.

It is a bit confusing though and really short.

An early VR stealth-adventure sees you escaping an eerily human-less corporate office building where most of the security wants to murder you. Developed very early in VR’s life when control options weren’t all that well defined, the game’s clumsy controls and astoundingly frustrating finale make it hard to recommend.

Full Review:

blew my mind as a newcomer to vr in 2018 or so, never finished it

sadly didint finish because i stopped playing vr but what i played was nice

I thought this game was really good despite the game's budget getting smaller

great for experiencing vr for the first time, but it got boring fast.
i love killing every single innocent robot i find

One of the mediums first great single player campaigns

I'm going to rate this one fairly high because its core puzzles and mechanics were engaging, and it was a fairly solid overall VR game, so I feel like being a bit generous to it for understanding its scope. That said, considering the whirlwind surrounding it at the birth of the current VR wave, it does disappoint by that standard as it took a little too long coming out(and on my end, for me to play) so that other studios surpassed it overall in its touted high interactivity and quality VR integration. The teleporting mechanic being integrated does help it, and the preview bubble is a nice "looking around corners" stealth mechanic. It aids you enough in knife throwing that it helps if you're uncoordinated, while not shorting you in genuine skill to where it feels completely cheap. Visually, it's nothing amazing, but it has that pared-down "office space with large swaths of monochromatic decoration" aesthetic similar to Mirror's edge interiors or Portal. I do think, barring the games upgraded to support VR that were designed flat-first, so far it does have the best feel as a stealth game I've encountered. The plot is pretty straightforward go do this, do that, do this from a disembodied voice and it's clear from the beginning "something's not right" but it's all kind of vague and unnecessary, really. Also while there's a lot of good exploring spaces to hunt for useful items, but since most of it is nothing, some is a little worldbuilding(with extensive repeats), a little is collectibles, and very rarely is it a weapon, it both makes you extra glad to find useful items and a little sad that you waste all this time scouring. I do wish that they had just a couple more little toys or other interactive goodies to make it not feel entirely pointless. Some was there, like food objects and the stamps, but it just felt like it needed a few more.

Overall, again, an intentionally generous score, but the game truly is solid.

just not all that fun, and it ran HORRIBLY. undoubtedly a relic of early vr.

Pretty fun, need to go back to it

The robots keep inking on me. Had some fun with the little I played so I'm sure my rating would go up if I actually play through the game.

Got stuck in the vault area, no clue what to do at all. YouTube videos didn't help at all. Maybe I'm an idiot? Maybe the game sucks ass at telling you what to do. Not to mention this game requires you to have aim with finnicky VR throwing. Otherwise its ok for a VR stealth game.

Most of it was okay aside from the movement mechanic and VR in general making it hard to stay oriented, but many objectives were needlessly confusing and the cheating final boss was absolute trash.

+ Charming writing
+ Unique gameplay mechanics
+ Good level design, but the scenery is very bland
- Lacking story
- Ends abruptly after a few hours
- Many missions rely on wild goose chases