Reviews from

in the past

Aunque creo que no es de los mejores que he jugado, como juego corto narrativo cumple. Igualmente me quedo más con el mensaje que quiere transmitir que con la propia ejecución.

It's an interesting little interactive story, but I found it to be a bit on-the-nose.

A compelling premise, but I like the idea of this game, more than I actually like this game.

It's a story about two pilots that have crashed taking out an enemy unit on the remains of Earth and their discussion about their inevitable deaths. It's great on paper and is what drew me to it but I find the execution just doesn't really work due to the quality of the writing and lack of voice acting (though they do try to mention that they can text only as part of the game I quite liked referencing it).

The writing feels pretty one note with a lot of weirdly nonsensical swearing or naff responses you can choose as your only input. In both playthroughs I chose different responses and it changes the conversation slightly, sometimes with the same answers but with a different tone from the other pilot Beatrice you are speaking to.

The problem is whilst the idea is good and some of the background lore mentioned is interesting it's not long enough or deep enough to get invested or interested in the characters and the endings. It's probably the shortest game I've ever played. I think playing through it was maybe a little longer than it's trailer on YouTube? I literally beat it twice in 25 minutes start to finish.

The visuals are really retro with huge polygons I quite like having grown up with similar titles but they are literally of one static scene from a few different camera angles and different lighting and that's it. Visually nothing interesting happens to contrast the writing. It also annoys me there are two versions of this game (red and blue) that are apparently the same except for a light hue which seems pointless and needlessly confusing?

All in all though super cheap, I still don't really feel like I got my money's worth here. There are simply better sci-fi games, better games about existentialism and better visual novels out there.

+ Great idea.
+ Cheap even at full price.

- Insanely short.
- Multiple editions for a light filter are pointless.
- Writing isn't good enough to hold the game together.

great music & dialogue to think about

cool concept but it doesn't really do anything with it. a lot of the game is explaining worldbuilding stuff which is kinda cool but other than that the writing in general isn't that great. it's basically over before anything really happens

(Very) short narrative game about 2 androids coming to terms with their inevitable death. Really enjoyed this one - played through it twice and the soundtrack really brings it all together.