Reviews from

in the past

Idk how I didn't log this game yet but it is incredibly accurate and very eye opening while also having addicting gameplay.

This game gives you a lot of perspective towards homelessness and the way your problems might not be as bad as the problems of others. It's tough to play, but quite easy to complete.

On my first run I didn't know what to do properly, so I managed to get my character depressed enough to stop caring and had to start again. It was quite easy to manage after the few fails though.

Some reviews on this game criticize the game for not being realistic enough, but to me it is realistic enough to still be interesting as a game. If it was any more realistic, there would be not much fun in this game.

Also you can have a dog, that's the most important part.

Pretty fun! Once you lose happiness it gets annoying but it's pretty good.

Didn't expect CHANGE to be as thoughtful and impactful as it was. While the game play is not often "fun" -- it's hard to make a more apt argument for "mechanics as metaphor." I assume, living on the street is also not fun. Any game that makes you feel empathy is doing something right.