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Ein sehr tolles Noir-Visual-Novel-Game. Gut geschriebene Texte, die Lösung des Falles ist einem nicht von Anfang an Klar und es hat eine angenehme Länge. Lediglich die optische Erscheinung von Tierköpfen auf Menschen Körpern hätte ich persönlich nicht gebraucht.

This game is currently in the Humble Choice for April 2022, this is part of my coverage of the bundle. If you are interested in the game and it's before May 3rd, 2022, consider picking up the game as part of the current monthly bundle.

What the heck is this?

Chicken Police is a noir detective story, with references to Philip Marlowe early on it’s clear that the creators love the format, and do imitate it almost flawlessly. The writing is on point, there’s a great deal of mystery coming from multiple angles and there’s even a game where you interrogate people. It’s an intriguing game.

Oh right, it also has the strangest character models of all time. Every character has a human body, including this woman, and yet the head of an animal and both parts have a ridiculous amount of detail. Oh and oddly good lip syncing. Why is there cleavage? Serious question. Why? Outside of a few puns about the genre or the characters' names, the game is played pretty straight and the writing does a great job with it.

Pick this up if you like a Detective story…. Or if you are a furry. I like this game, and in the first hour, I’m hooked. I want to know more, there are multiple different threads the game is teasing me with, and I am curious where the story will take the player. But I’m also really curious about the characters because every character is equally odd and unique. It’s an art style that I doubt I will ever forget.

If you enjoyed this review or want to know what I think of other games in the bundle, check out the full review on or subscribe to my Youtube channel:


Extremely well made. The art style has a lot of personality (oh god the pinups are cursed tho) and the voice acting and music are pretty good. But yeahhh, retroized backwardness is just never gonna hit right with me. Sexist, full of cringe fantasy racism that was tired when Zootopia came out more than half a decade ago, ablest at the eleventh hour. I know most of my problems with this are rooted in it being a straight forward riff on genre tropes, but furry hell...

I knew nothing about this game besides the cover was hilarious. I saw this at gamestop once. Of course I did not buy it, but I was curious. Then it was announced as a new PS Now game which was a hell yeah moment for me. Then I played it. I... am not sure what I expected or what pedestal I put a game called Chicken Police on but when I loaded it up and found out it was an adventure game/visual novel I was dissapointed. Of course, it makes sense that this would be that type of game. But well, In my mind I had imagined furry noir hotline miami and I dont think I could continue on with this knowing its not furry noir hotline miami.

Scritto generalmente molto bene, anche se andando verso la conclusione la quantità di eventi gestiti in modo estremamente frettoloso e approssimativo aumentano in modo spiacevole. Minigiochi fuoriluogo e banali e sequenze investigative realizzate decisamente male. Un gran peccato che gli insetti non abbiano praticamente nessuna presenza all'interno del gioco: il loro posizionamento nel world building è molto interessante.