Reviews from

in the past

Such a cool visual for a game. Super endearing and made with clear passion for the type of noir crime movie it's imitating. Sadly, while good, the story wasn't great enough to really stick in my mind and lift this higher than a 7.

Absolutely ADORED it.
Funny as heck, on point atmosphere, MAGNIFICENT voice acting and soundtrack, fantastic characters, intriguing worldbuilding, and interesting story!!!
100% bonkers, 100% my style, I couldn't possibly want anything more.
Will 100% play everything from this saga.

I have so many lingering questions about how the animal people and their world work.

cool game but the gameplay lacks a bit. (I have nothing else to play)

O jogo é bizarro e estranhamente bom. Ele faz o básico bem feito, joguinho rápido e bem interessante.

Platina rapida de mais, recomendo um guia.

Didn’t finish, won’t finish, sorry

A crime noir with animals? Sure, why not? There isn't much in the way of gameplay but there is some puzzle solving and picking the right dialogue for questioning segments. The story isn't particularly original for the genre but this world made up of talking animals works weirdly well. The music and voice acting is quite good. It's nothing special but I enjoyed my time with it.

Funny Detective Visual Novel almost completely black and white.

Perfection! Would give more stars ir I could

Chicken Police (2020): Intenta hacer una parodia del género policíaco que es una obra genérica policíaca. Los animales tampoco aportan nada que no pueda hacer un humano. Poli divorciado a punto de retirarse, prostituta con jefe de la mafia...todo visto mil veces. (3,95)

Furry, Noir, e provavelmente do leste europeu.
Não tem como errar

Of all the additions to the odd genre of Furry Noir, this is one of the most stylish and truly evocative of film noir's spirit, if also one of the most linear and standard.

It's a very fun game that stands out with its intriguing premise and captivating world. The characters, featuring animal faces on human bodies and the black and white setting is very nice, gives off sin city vibes.The story is undoubtedly the best aspect of this narrative-driven game, pulling you into a richly detailed world that you can't help but be curious about.

The world-building is impressive, with a history and setting that are fascinating to explore. I found myself eager to learn about the characters, their backgrounds, and how they fit into the city's tapestry. The city's history, shared through various narratives, is quite fun to read and adds depth to the overall experience.

However, the game's mechanics leave much to be desired. The puzzles, questioning, and investigation aspects are mostly trial and error, with little need for actual thought or strategy. This approach can become tedious by the end of the game, detracting from the overall experience.

It would have been excellent if the knowledge gained from reading about the characters and locations had a meaningful impact on the investigations. Unfortunately, it does not, which feels like a missed opportunity to deepen the gameplay.

In conclusion, Chicken Police Paint it Red is a fun, small game that's worth playing at least once.

No esperaba nada de él y me ha sorprendido porque me ha gustado un poquito.

El humor y los diálogos son muy buenos, y menos mal porque el diseño antropomórfico me ha sacado constantemente. Hay algunos personajes a los que les queda bien, pero en otros es horroroso.

Aventura cortita y al pie. Con ganas de ver que hacen en la continuación.

Jogaço!!! Eu pensei que o jogo seria ruim, mas ele é maravilhoso, o cenário e as músicas é tudo muito bom... E as investigações e tudo mais é insano, um ótimo game e fácil de platinar, um dia voltarei nele com certeza

Um crime noir investigativo com animais antropomórficos? Eu irei aceitar, muito obrigado!

Fiquei interessado por esse aqui mais pelo fato de ser completamente esquisito. Um suspense policial onde o protagonista é um galo? Como não chamar atenção?

Chicken Police entrega uma história que, apesar de não fugir dos clichês do gênero noir, é bem competente e te prende. Com direito a plot twist e tudo. O game também tem uma gameplay muito simples, baseada completamente em diálogos e traz momentos de interrogatórios e investigações onde você aponta suspeitos, motivações. Bem clichê do quadro com as fotos e as cordas ligando elas. Os personagens, principalmente a dupla principal, são carismáticos, alguns são engraçados e tu acaba gostando deles. A dublagem é muito bem feita e contribui mais pra esse aspecto.

Por ser um visual novel ele é bem curto e, no máximo, em 3 horas tu já fecha ele. E é até bom que não seja extremamente longo, já que poderia se tornar cansativo. Não é um primor de jogo, daqueles que é obrigatório jogar, mas como tava de graça certamente valeu meu tempo. Achei divertido e aguardo uma sequência dele.

Is it weird that I feel like a game that traffics in supermodel bodies with animal heads should have been ... weirder?

Furry noir? More like noir thank you. (I'll see myself out.)

A very cool noir detective story. The game is a bit predictable and follows a lot of the noir detective tropes but by having animals as the main characters so much life is added to this world. Very good voice acting all around and a few interesting locations. The gameplay is not that hard and I would have liked more puzzles instead of mostly using dialogue to progress. The problem with the story is that it is a bit predictable and safe in the end. Would have liked more twists and turns. But overall, a very solid point-and-click game you can play in just a weekend.

The Film Noir art style tied with rough, detective chickens had me intrigued to play this before it left PlayStation Plus. I'm glad I did!

I loved the characters and their relationships, especially the main two. Their banter and personalities were written well. I wanted to learn more about them and see this journey to its end. Plus the voice acting is fantastic.

I enjoyed the interrogation sections and the fact you could retry RIGHT THERE, rather than completely start a new game if you angered someone.

The detective sections that have you connect people, places, and evidence was more obtuse. I don't think you could have got it wrong, but that was more guesswork for me.

My huge negative was painting another character as mentally ill and thus, dangerous. Why is this still a thing? Please if you want to make a wicked character, just do it. Don't add illness symptoms and diagnoses and say it's that reason.

I am looking forward to the next addition.

Pep's Detective Deep Dive - Game 10
If I had a nickel for every crime-based game featuring people with animal heads that I'd played for this season I'd have two nickels - which isn’t a lot but it's weird that this has happened twice.

A detective game that puts you in the shoes of hard-boiled detective Santino "Sonny" Featherland, the story of Chicken Police is pretty typical of film noire, if you know the conventions of the genre. There's murder, lies, betrayal and a femme fatale. It would all be incredibly generic would it not be for the fact that the game's world is inhabited entirely by anthropomorphic animals, complete with established world-building and lore. It's unexpectedly deep and there's a lot to learn if you're thorough with your detective skills.

What surprised me most about Chicken Police is just how well-made it is - I went into this expecting a fairly basic, VN-style game similar to Aviary Attorney. But this is in fact a fully-fleshed out adventure game, complete with interrogation and investigation sections to spice up the usual pointing and clicking. The game is also well-written with some very strong voice acting, backed up with stylish cutscenes and the occasional fun shootout to break things up. (Side note: I realised half-way through my playthrough that the character of Monica was voiced by Devora Wilde and I could NOT un-hear Lae'zel for the rest of the game.)

What's also similar to Aviary Attorney is the intricacies of each species and how that dictates their social position. Our feathered heroes are pretty middle of the pack, and the "predator" species are towards the top of the hierarchy, while insects are forced into a dangerous slum known as "The Hive". It's all very clever - and a depressing allegory for the real world.

Chicken Police's presentation and gameplay is so strong that it's a shame that the story itself is a bit of a letdown. As stated earlier, it follows noire conventions very closely. Sonny is a sad sack at the beginning of the game, and it's almost overwhelming just how unlikeable he is. However, as the story progresses and he re-teams with his "Chicken Police" partner Marty, you'll get to see him get his mojo back, uncover the mystery and solve the case. However, I feel that the latter half of the story is rushed and wraps up way too quickly, and the ending left me thinking "is that it?". However, it didn't spoil my opinion on the game too much since everything else in it is so strong.

Overall, I liked this - it's a smart, inventive, funny detective-adventure with a lot of charm. With sequel Into The Hive! on the way I'll be reuniting with the Chicken Police pretty soon...

P.S. I've never had a video game character leave me so sexually confused as Natasha Catzenko. Just... don't show her to Shane Dawson.

Loved the style and the story. Just amazing noir-animal quest.

Sights & Sounds
- Primarily black-and-white noir stylings all around, with rare pops of color
- The character designs are unique, to say the least
- The music is pretty great. Given the noir veneer, you'll hear a lot of swingy jazz and the occasional bluesy track
- The most impressive part of the entire presentation is the voice acting, in my opinion. Sonny's VA is the clear stand-out, but all of the voices are really well done

Story & Vibes
- It's like Dragnet, but with animals
- The characters are all pretty great, even if they are just film noir parodies and archetypes
- The promotional content should have clued you in, but the game is quite funny
- The story is quite good, even if the twist is a little predictable. Still a good mystery

Playability & Replayability
- It's a point-and-click detective game, so you'll be skulking around town to find clues, track down leads, and interrogate animals of interest
- The interrogation scenes are pretty fun. I appreciate the ability to retry each one for a perfect score
- The "putting it together" minigame is a bit more confusing. The solutions make sense, but it feels like I was mostly just trying things until it worked
- There's other minigames and events to spice things up as well
- I don't think I'll be replaying, even though I wish I would have been thorough enough to 100% the game

Overall Impressions & Performance
- With the humor and good story, this is an easy game to like
- I played through the whole game on the Steam Deck, and it ran flawlessly

Final Verdict
- 7/10. The story and gameplay won't blow you away, but it's still a very enjoyable experience

First sniff I had of this game left me thinking I'd find nothing but the the rotting-corpse of a horse named Lucus Art but I was pleasantly surprised. It's a classic noir murder mystery within' a world of grim world of colorful animal characters. I was expecting something wacky or cringe like Rocketbird but the tone is in line with what you'd expect from the Fables comic series. It's dedication to not break character and take the world in a serious manner strengthens it's pulp and film noir charm. The great voice acting lends a lot of character to the eccentric personalities you come across and without it I'm not sure if it would be able to pull off the same vibe. Worth a look if you're down for a six or so hour long pulp novel.