Reviews from

in the past

Wow, who knew dying over and over again would drive a man crazy! Vaas is right btw

juego de plataformas muy divertido al que le sacas el 100% solo

Game designers are perverts, you can’t make a parkour platformer based on randomness and physics. The first levels delight you with variety, the last ones “kill” you and force you to go through the level again (press R to reset), but fortunately the abilities built into the game really help you survive.

Геймдизайнеры извращенцы, нельзя делать паркур-платформер, основанный на рандоме и физике. Первые уровни радуют разнообразием, последние "убивают" тебя и заставляют проходить вновь уровень(press R to reset), но благо встроенные в игру способности, очень сильно помогают выжить.

proposta legal mas eu só n to afim

Un buen juego arcade plataformero, no siento que sea el mejor juego, pero al mismo tiempo es un juego entretenido y que vale la pena si es que quieres matar el tiempo

the last level got this from a 4 star game to a 3 star game lmao i was genuinely having so much fun until that last bit, like holy shit what an awful idea for a game like this

Find your rhythm, momentum is the key
Full twist, backflip, just set your body free
- Trampoline by Kero Kero Bonito, i found it quite an apt summation of the Clustertruck experience

Addictive fast paced goodness. I didn't finish it on switch, but I may revisit it on PC, where I think it's better with Keyboard and Mouse.

fun movement and mechanics but some levels are bit too ragebait

deus, pq vc fez sua filha gostar de jogos difíceis q fazem ela ter vontade de socar o pc

Just the dumbest idea ever with incredibly fun gameplay.

Makes me feel like a commentary YouTuber

proposta legal mas eu só n to afim

I feel like a parkour POV video

All good very fun you jump on trucks but FUCK the final level I'm never gonna be able to complete that shit

ClusterTruck is held together by a fun gameplay loop that ends right as it should.

this game is so fun and idk why

Good game but became very frustrating to play.

I think i literally invented a speedrunning technique on a level and I simply will never forget it

this is what truck drivers imagine when driving for 12h straight

2018 youtube commentary ahh game