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How To Become A Youtube Commentary Channel:
1. Own Clustertruck
2. Play Clustertruck while Talking about stuff


As much has I think most of the game is fun, the final level is one of the worst level in a video game I've ever seen

The gimmick was fun at first but quickly became a bit too frustrating for me.

Tava me perguntando porque tinha esse jogo no gamepass, pois olhando pra ele, parece muito um desses jogos fuleiros da com mecânicas bem básicas. Queria só um joguinho rápido pra baixar e jogar, acabou que esse me serviu muito bem.

O caos que os caminhões proporcionam, é de longe a coisa mais legal do game.

Por se tratar de um plataforma bem frenético, não aguentava jogar tanto tempo, assim que minha mão começava a doer por apertar o espaço suamãeéumagostosalhão de vezes. Então cheguei na ultima fase, vi que era bem mais longa que as outras e dropei.

Greg bought this for me. Thank you Greg!!!

my heart rate is permanently increased

This is what I imagine attempting the driving license for a truck is like.
What a beautiful cluster truck of a game. You go into it with no expectations and leave with the feeling of coming out of a short fever dream.
8/10, wish it had a coop mode

Do not play this on a console

Clustertruck is pretty much what you'd expect from a physics-based platformer made in Unity. It has some cool and satisfactory movement alongside the aid of abilities that give you a temporary advantage or make you able to move in a more strategic way, but that's pretty much all there is to say about this game at face value, because I don't think there's a lot of substance in it to make it as remarkable as some might think it actually is, when I mentioned that it was made in the Unity engine is because it is prime Unity plastic looking graphics, environment and lighting all around, making the many worlds that the game features feel poorly stylized just to fit each worlds' theme but not for much else.

The game just barely stays its welcome, after so many levels of doing the same thing over and over again it becomes monotonous and repetitive. Oh, but there's abilities, right?

Well, yeah but the good abilities are usually pretty expensive and require a bit of point grinding to actually get, sure you can cheese your way through downloading some map that gives you points but some of these are truly just put behind an immense amount of points for no reason, and then there's the fact that it's not like there's any permanent upgrades or you are able to use many in the fly, you can only bring two with you at all times. So at that point sticking with them is as much as you're gonna do anyways, they should've considered this and made them way more dynamic (also not forgiving them for that shitty grappling hook swinging holy)

Overall the game is pretty much just serviceable, but that's the extent of it. It really just feels like a sensory game for putting behind a Reddit AITA video or Family Guy clips on TikTok because the entertainment you get from watching it is not the same you'd get from actually playing it.

A low budget platformer that feels like it was put together in 5 seconds that feels really cool to play.

Surprisingly fun first person platformer that encourages speedrunning. Had a blast improving my clear times and climbing the leaderboards.

I just wanna jump on trucks. Thank you, jump on truck game.

bunny hopping in half life games trained me for this

Um game indie criativo, divertido e CAÓTICO.

A sensação de saltar de um caminhão para o outro é emocionante. Os caminhões surgem de todo lado e de maneira desgovernada. São muitos, uns batendo nos outros, outros explodindo, colidindo pelos obstáculos do caminho. Os caminhões em movimento causam o caos do jogo e de longe é o ponto mais legal e divertido do game.

Infelizmente o jogo fica impossível rapidamente. Após o fim do primeiro mundo os movimentos que o caminhão faz e os obstáculos tornam o jogo MUITO DIFICIL (você só consegue passar na base da tentativa e erro mesmo).

No fim o jogo cumpre aquilo que se propõe a ser. É um game para aqueles dias na qual você não quer jogar algo muito complexo. Quer apenas sentar em frente a TV e pular, pular , pular e morrer, morrer, morrer.

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com calma e jeito se chega no c* de qualquer sujeito

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jesus fuck the ending level sucks


Shoutout to 2017 me who watched hundreds of hours of this game through YouTube commentary vids, what a time to be alive! I think all of those hours paid off because this was insanely easy, I didn't use any abilities throughout my playthrough— which only took about an hour and a half. Movement is fluid, levels are varied, and it stays genuinely fun; although I wish it was longer... like way longer, because there's almost nothing here.

Playtime: 1.9 hours

Every Game I've Ever Played - Ranked (By Score)
2016 - Ranked


clustertrucks: Mercy_Overwatch.gif


Another one of those dime-a-dozen "glitch=funny" kind of games that takes a silly, but potentially fun idea, and runs it into the ground by intentionally making the game too buggy to warrant completing.

Clustertruck's idea is simple - you jump from truck to truck to reach the finish line. How does it break it? How doesn't it break it?? You constantly clip through most of the trucks you attempt to land on, making deaths unfair. Touching the floor, or almost anything else for that matter, instantly kills you and sends you back to the beginning of the level. Restarting is quick, granted, but you'll constantly die for bullshit reasons, be it the inconsistent controls that add and take momentum at random, the hitboxes for death-areas being too large, falling through trucks onto the floor, or sometimes just dying for no reason at all.

Fun idea, wasted on a shitty game.

Good minimalist parkour platformer with an obscene difficulty spike at the final boss. Seriously I'm playing with lower graphics settings how the fuck am I supposed to hit the one section on Satan's head when it looks similar to the rest of his body. Especially when the entire game teaches you not to touch anything but the trucks. Massive oversight by the devs.

Other than that it's alright. I'd love to see some speedruns of this game.

Man, beating this was more pure determination than actually enjoying myself, at least on the final stage 9-10, which took me 2 hours to beat (mainly because it's hard, but also because I overlooked one specific thing I'll mention in a bit).

Clustertruck is a platformer developed by Landfall Games and released on September 27, 2016 for PC, PS4, Xbox One and Switch. Landfall Games are also behind Totally Accurate Battle Simulator, so suffice it to say, they've done alright for themselves. The game goes for 14.79€ without a sale, a price point I wouldn't recommend this game at. I played it through Amazon thanks to their monthly free game offerings through Amazon Prime.

Clustertruck is a Truck-themed platformer in which you jump from moving truck to truck and try to reach the finish line without ever touching the ground or anything else that isn't part of a truck. The main campaign has 9 worlds featuring different themes (steampunk, sci-fi, HELL) with 10 levels each, and they progressively get harder with a few unusually difficult levels sprinkled throughout. I've gotten to the final stage 9-10 in about 3 hours, and apart from about a handful of levels, none took me longer than 10 or so tries individually.

The game lets you restart pretty much instantly, which is great in allowing the game to flow pretty well and not interrupt gameplay at any time. When jumping from truck to truck, the abilities you have are, well, "jumping", sprinting to gain speed before jumping and the ability to move directions mid-air. As you finish levels, you collect points, which you can use in an Ability shop to unlock more advanced abilities to help make things easier. I believe each level can be beaten without an extra ability, but you'd be mad to do so without at least the first ability the game offers you, which is the "Dash" ability. There are many more which are presented to you on two sides, and you get to choose one ability to equip from each side. I didn't know you could equip more than one, so for most of the game, I stuck with Dash only.

Going with just this one ability was more than enough to go through 89 levels, and while you will be frustrated during this time, it rarely will be because a stage appears to be impossible. I'm by no means a skilled gamer and I somewhat smoothly made my way through them. Where it gets ridiculously hard though is on the final level, where you truly understand how many weaknesses the game has in its controls. Usually, the game asks you to just sprint and jump from truck to truck and reach an end point, but on this stage, the game asks you to do traditional platforming in that you climb up a flight of 'stairs' aka trucks. Unfortunately, the game does not have smooth enough controls and should really not be doing this. When you jump, it often is hard to control how far you move to each side, as sometimes you'll just move too far even though you barely move the stick, or even though you move backwards, the game will push you forward as if a truck hit you in the back. The game in general is incredibly sensitive to movement and, again, irratic in output as well, so you'll die a lot just because you're fighting the controls, not the challenges in the levels. You can not touch ground nor walls, so you have to be very careful in your input.

So due to this, I spent two hours on the final stage in sheer pain, until I looked through the shop again and bought an ability that slows down time. This made one specific part of this stage actually possible, and not too long after, I finally beat the game. I'd suggest picking that, if you decide to play this.

One final note I want to make is on the game's presentation. Visually, the game is pretty bland, with little detail in the environments. It gets better as you advance through the worlds and they get different themes, but apart from the final level, 'bland' is all I will remember from this game visually. The soundtrack has hints of vanilla as well with a lot of tracks that sound like your average mobile game platforming tracks and two or three that have some good parts in them. Overall though, I wouldn't really want to listen to it again.

So, all in all, would I recommend you to play this? As a pallette cleanser or just a fun little game for an hour or two with friends, sure, I think there is some fun to be had with the game's physics. Would I recommend you to go all 'thickheaded idiot' at this game just to get that satisfaction of beating it like I did? Not really, I think there are better games to waste 5 hours of your life on.

makes me wanna record youtube commentary videos from 2016

This game scratches an itch in my brain for truck jumping. It's like you're playing the imaginary freerunner that you imagined out the window on long car trips as a child

la cantidad de barbaries que se han en dicho youtube con este juego de fondo destrozarían psicológicamente a jarfaiter

A decent parkour game ruined by its horribly designed final level.