Reviews from

in the past

Ah, então é de lá que eles vêm...

This sounds like a game you'd see in the GTA universe

A surprisingly good Space Invaders clone. It adds a dash of Galaxian with the enemies that launch towards you, has a few modes, and the animations are nice even with the limited hardware.

What if Space Invaders had more colors, was way faster, and capitalized on the longstanding cold war between the world's super powers? Well, friends, you'd have the game Communist Mutants From Space!

Look, Space Invaders may have started it and Galaga/Galaxian might have perfected it, but how else can we get 7 year old children to rally against a political ideology we barely even understand but know is "bad" because... well, obviously aliens brought it from space, so we've got to blow it up.

Okay, okay, this is a pretty solid Starpath Supercharger game. It is just a "shoot space monsters that come at you vertically", basically, but the fast pace, increasing difficulty, and the varied goals of the gameplay (blow up the mutants, but also blow up the top alien egg-layer, oh, and don't get shot!). The extra colors that the supercharger brings are great, the fun extra options are a nice twist and the game is generally fun. I particularly like the tones when you start a new life, for some reason. I wish there were some more sounds for blowing up the mutants, but in general there's not a lot to complain about here.

Once in high school, a military recruiter responded to my jeers with "When I'm out killing commies I won't be doing it for you." I think maybe he was talking about this game?

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