Reviews from

in the past

Colorful, fast paced, and vibrant. Doesn't do anything particularly unique, but you get whiffs of Contra here.

Game Review - originally written by (wraith)

Cosmo Police Galivan is simply the epitome of “badass”. In Jair's own words, “This game is a nifty platform RPG that's sort of like a cross between Metroid and Strider, but cooler.” In my own words, “Konami completely ripped off this game when they were making the gameplay engine for Castlevania: Symphony of the Night.” Anyway, if those descriptions don't help you, the gist of the game is that you run around in a side-scrolling environemnt, kicking the crap out of bad guys with sword, and finding items so that you may advance farther — items that make you jump higher, better weapons, etc. All while you level up in a standard RPG expereince system. It's a really fun game, and you're really missing out if you don't find the ROM and try it out.