Reviews from

in the past

CounterSpy has awesome style! It's like a playable Cold War spy cartoon, with smooth visuals and a killer soundtrack. Sneaking around bases, stealing plans, and having tense shootouts over-the-shoulder feels cool...for a while. The controls are clunky, enemy AI is weird, and it gets really repetitive after a few missions. Loved the style and concept, but the gameplay needs polish.

CounterSpy is a fun little roguelike to relax with a few rounds of. It's art style is easily its' best feature. Only complaint is the shootout sections which can be annoying at times though that's mostly a personal thing.

A fun little espionage game with a delightful art style to pass your time.

Neat gameplay, if fairly generic, in its 2D stealth-action style. Nevertheless this spy thriller of global superpower proportions hits the mark with its theme and visuals and has you spinning as a little cog in the cold war machine.

Pretty mixed feelings about this little project. On the one hand, it has a nice art design and soundtrack, as well as the overall idea. I like fairly large locations using verticality, as well as the overall progression of the toolkit (variation in weapons and perks) and difficulty. However, on the other hand, the gameplay is not very smooth and responsive (which is undoubtedly helped by the fact that I play a mobile port, and not the original for PlayStation consoles), artificial intelligence sometimes defies logical explanation, and the last levels with a bunch of enemies turn the game into rather uncomfortable action than stealth game. In general, this is an interesting experience in places (especially for the first game that I completely finished on the phone), but I can hardly note anything outstanding or simply excellent here (especially when looking at CounterSpy as a product for elder consoles).

You die, you restart. Thumbs down.

I must’ve really enjoyed this game because I ended up 100% it!

A cool and stylish game with an interesting topic, presenting fun (yet terrifying) facts during its loading screens. Not something I'd play for hours but a nice distraction once in a while.

Visuais elegantes e jogabilidade bem simples e agradável.

CounterSpy é um jogo que eu não gostei no início (porque sou ruim em jogo de stealth), mas depois de jogá-lo novamente com mais cuidado para não ser visto de forma alguma pelos inimigos, o jogo ficou MUITO mais divertido.

A sensação de chegar ao final das missões sem aumentar o nível do DEFCON é muito satisfatório.

Me divertiu bastante por umas duas semanas. Recomendo.

Tongue-in-cheek comedies about the Cold War are something I quite enjoy. Movies like Austin Powers that make fun of the time period can be downright hilarious. CounterSpy tries this with the player working for an unknown neutral agency called C.O.U.N.T.E.R., and everything they do and their plans are all spelled this way with no actual meaning. You play either the Americans or Russians' bases to steal sets of plans to stop nuclear weapons from destroying the moon. The goal is to keep the DEFCON level as low as possible (5), and if it reaches zero during a level, a one-minute countdown starts, and you need to find the computer to finish the level to stop it. Thankfully, if it does reach zero, the level ends, and you start from DEFCON 1 again.

The only way to lower the DEFCON level is through passive items or getting officers dressed in white to surrendy by pointing your gun at them. This can make having to repeatedly repeat levels very difficult. The levels are randomly generated each time, but that doesn't mean the difficulty doesn't increase. You will need to search more rooms while plans for weapons and items are hidden better. More guards will appear and there will be more open areas. These can be the most difficult to navigate, especially when security cameras come into play. The green ones can be shot down with weapons, but the orange-armored ones can only be taken down with explosives. You can dodge and roll your way through a camera's cone of vision, but you need to be fast. I found the randomness of levels to be frustrating, as a lot of guard patrols just don't line up to be able to be stealthy. A lot of times, you will need to mow down every guard, and some levels can be multi-tiered. Thankfully, the alertness only lasts for that section of the level. Once you go through the door to the next section, the guards don't know you're there.

Cover is your best friend in this game. Yellow arrows on the cover will tell you which way you will face, and lining up your shot is important. The longer you pop out of cover to aim, the quicker guards will notice you. Guards are pretty dumb, and cameras won't even notice dead bodies, so shoot them out to your heart's content. This is the only saving grace for the randomness of these levels. If this was a more realistic stealth game, it would feel impossible to finish. However, I still wound up getting each side to DEFCON 1, so I had to constantly restart a level once the countdown timer started. It's futile to try to run to the exit in 60 seconds unless you're already close. If you quit the mission, you just restart back to where you were prior to that level.

Once you do get all the launch plans, you can continue to play either side to get more weapons and item plans and lower the DEFCON level as much as possible. The final mission will start on the side with the highest level, so this can lead to a lot of frustration unless you really want all of those weapons. I honestly felt the game got pretty tedious towards the end and just wanted to get the game over with. I didn't feel the need to continue playing, as the randomness kind of ruins the fun gameplay elements with poor guard patrol patterns, making it impossible for really perfect stealth runs. The Vita version suffers from frequent slowdowns when the action starts. The game will pause for a split second, causing accuracy issues when shooting.

Overall, CounterSpy has all of the elements of a fun arcade-like action stealth game, but the randomness of the levels makes it hard to get that perfect run, which can discourage the player from wanting to collect all the weapons. The tongue-in-cheek humor does the job just fine, and the controls are well thought out. Just be prepared for some frequent restarts.

this game is actually really fun and challenging and i LOVE the cold war/ spy v. spy aesthetic.

Narrative: 3 - Gameplay: 3.5 - Visuals: 4 - Soundtrack: 3 - Time: 2
Stars: 3

How to give yourself an anxiety attack for playing competently:

Very nice art direction, very nice ideas. Not very well implemented for the Vita though. Didn't finish it, seemed too hard. Might pick it up later.

2-D stealth platformer that's somewhat enjoyable but can be frustrating. The levels are procedurally generated with the interest of adding replayability but I think intentional design could've led to more fun challenges overall. I liked this okay and it uses the classic spy thriller theme well but it could've been even better.

Cool aesthetic but way too repetitive to ever suck me in. I'm not much of a fan of randomly generated levels in general and they felt especially bland/tedious in this one.

It's an okay puzzle/stealth game. It has a 2D aesthetic that is nice. The stealth elements kind of annoyed me for most of it though. So many of the moments felt deeply unfair. On top of that, the story just seemed to lack and some levels were repetitive. There's lots of creative ideas though.

This game is a fun distraction to play when you have nothing else, but it isn't amazing in anyway. I like the vibe and aesthetic though.

Cute little indie espionage arcade game.