Reviews from

in the past

I had no idea EA published this game. For a 2011 game the game has really good graphics and gunplay. The story is pretty decent with the aliens and the marines, but the mission design and the combat is what makes the game fun to play.
The music is just as good as the graphics as it was composed by HANS ZIMMER. I still can't believe they got Hans Zimmer to make music for the game. The music really adds to the gameplay that'll make the gameplay feel like a movie.
Being a "stealth games enjoyer", the game has amazing stealth mechanics that make the game even more fun and can result in some funny moments. Overall the game is very enjoyable and I'd recommend it 👍

I took too long to play it and the remaster came out lmao

At this point, I'm waiting for the Remastered Edition to get cheaper.

fucking terrible playing was nauseating

Dull. Lifeless. Nonsensical. Unmemorable. So much artistry and fidelity in service of such a 'meh' experience. A poster child for feature bloat: “Here have stealth! And cover! And vehicles! And superpowers! And -” if only any of these were snappy and satisfying, instead they're slapped with a baked-in delay. All the talent and man-hours poured into such an expensive endeavor – industry artists deserve better projects than such dispiriting drudgery.

Emblematic of so many games of the late 00s-early 10s, cover and shoot or stealth and loot. Sure, its story isn't the best and the combat was ridiculously easy. However, the graphics were several years ahead of their time and from a "bionetic superhero" perspective certainly played like a superhero game. No hard thinking required.

Soldier difficulty
43.97% completion

Dissapointing after Crysis but not bad.

I don't have a ton to say about Crysis 2 mostly because it's the first shooter on my list that's just a good game already, no strings attached. The suit powers are neat, and I found myself equally using stealth and armor throughout my playthrough which to me shows me that they were both balanced well.

A few too many cinematic moments for my liking, especially since most of them involved the suit getting messed up in one way or another. I also got blue balled by 2 almost-turret sections. Turret sections are my favorite part of any shooter so to be denied them twice in a row left me feeling disappointed.

As a side note for my playstyle, I punched so many people and aliens to death. It was my go to way of disposing of anything in my way so I could have ammo for the big guys. I found my magazine clip running out a lot of times so eventually I just started to armor up and throw hands. In hindsight I could have used my visor to scan for ammo crates more, but my approach still got me to the end around the average playtime.

Last crysis 2 thought I love that whining theme music

Игра для своего года выглядит феноменально.
Музон от Ханза Циммера (или как там его имя пишется) в целом доставил удовольствия, но не то чтобы сильно. Заглавная тема шикарная, пока все остальные саундтреки остались невзрачными имхо.
Геймплей стал более аркадным по сравнению с первой частью. Игра также потеряла элемент песочницы и стала более линейной. Врать не буду - стрелять и бегать в игре весело, но городские пейзажи надоедают уже к четвёртому часу игры.
Оружие мощное и практически весь арсенал использовался с кайфом.

Могу порекомендовать как игру на вечер, но перепроходить её я бы не стал. В основном из-за игровых катсцен, которые нельзя пропустить.

Crysis always felt like one of those series that was very pretty yet incredibly generic. And now after going back to Crysis 2 I can say at least that's very true with that one. It was basically exactly as I remembered it for better or worse. If this series didn't have the suit powers and design it did, I doubt people would remember it. Also enemies seemed to be needlessly damage spongey at times, even generic human enemies.

Başarılı sayılabilecek bir devam oyunu

On release it may have been a technical marvel, with a fun immersive single player, and lively multiplayer. Now, with a lackluster SP and dead multiplayer, it's clear that its time is up. GenericBrand

While it might have had success in its hay day with the then "breathtaking" Powered By CryEngine™ single player and lively multiplayer... too much time has passed. There are just more games worth your time, energy, and money to play. So, while this review isn't indicative of the "glory days", it is a detailed and subjective account/opinion of my experience, as I experienced it, in this year of our lord 2022.

Background: You know, I remember buying Crysis 2 years and years ago for some reason. Must have been on a deep deep sale, I saw a few of my friends had it, and in my adolescent mind I believe I thought something like... "Call of Duty with super powers... so cool" and I bought it. Played it for... maybe two hours? And then, I distinctly remember in the middle of a play session saying outloud... "What's the point of this game? It isn't even that fun?" So I uninstalled it and haven't really looked back... until about a month ago.

I used a random generator, which decided that I should play this game, and recalling my previous experience playing it, I thought... Well. It's time to get my money's worth out of this. So I played the entire campaign, recorded myself too, just in case I was feeling extra motivated to make a YouTube video or something. And let me say, the majority of this game is just a slog. It's not super fun. It's just... Meh. Not even a good meh.

It doesn't really even play that well either. I found that for some reason, the developers don't have aiming down sights (ADS) set separately from the normal mouse sensitivity. The resulting effect of that, is like if I taped a magnifying glass to my monitor every time I aim down sights. Sure, I could try to line up headshots, but the mouse sensitivity being as high as it is, makes it very difficult to correct. Consequently, if I slowed the sensitivity down, then my turn radius would be comparable to a yacht. So I hip fired just about everything, and the shotgun was my friend. If you have a macro on your mouse that changes the sensitivity, maybe that's a solid solution? I don't know.

The writing is... meh. I think overall what this game suffers from is a lack of creativity. Every location, every enemy, every character, all the art direction and design, it all feels so much like everything else remotely similar to it. Crysis 2 isn't really iterating on any of these ideas that I feel like I've seen a hundred times. It all adds up to feel devoid of creativity. Where's the flare, where's the OOMPH? Maybe, at the time of release, the graphics are what made it stand out with the CryEngine. But, as I saw on max settings, that really didn't help it in the long term from what I played.

While the game does present the opportunity to use some godly superpowers through the billion dollar nano-suit, I feel like often times, combat scenarios can be completely trivialized with the one, stealth mode. Some sections to their credit, do require combat to play out, and in those cases, it does pay to strategize more and leads to interesting confrontations where I was managing my arsenal a bit more fully. But oftentimes I would just find myself sneaking to the next objective, combat and hassle free.

The story details and "deep lore" seems interesting, but it's really nothing too special that I haven't seen played out before. Characters are very much boiled down to the archetypes they were given when they popped into the writers heads. The narrative is entirely predictable. The most motivated I ever was to boot the game up was when I knew I was on the last mission.

Also, the multiplayer is dead, I think I'm many years too late to experience that, and to be honest, even if there was a way to do so, I'm not sure if I would bother with it. Maybe it would be fun with friends? Everything is fun with friends.

The only sparks of joy I had were with the physics in this game. "Hehe, physics funny!" I would say, pointing at my screen like a gorilla, as a Ceph alien careens through the air from 5 simultaneously detonating C4 charges, that I haphazardly tossed onto its once living body... Those were good times. But, I mean, Half Life 2 came out years before this and THAT physics engine is still light years more interesting than this so... I don't know what kind of opinion to have, but my smooth brain was activated several times, and I must disclose that I did crack a smile on occasion from stupid things like that... kicking a car off of a cliff... throwing a trash bin at a solider. That sort of thing.

Overall, I do not recommend Crysis 2, and suggest spending your money and your time on a different game. If you want a fun multiplayer game, you can find a mildly successful live service filled with your brand of poison to fulfill your needs there. If you're looking for an immersive sim single player, I hear PREY is the best of the best in that department. It's very clear that Crysis 2 did not age well, and is not meant to be played in this day and age any longer. Its time has certainly passed, and I'm honored to share that information with you this day.

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