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القيم بلاي : تصميمهم للالغاز جدا عظيم كل الالغاز واضحة وما في شي غير منطقي او يصعب فهمة ومع هذا الالغاز فيها تحدي ونسبة صعوبة استمتعت بكل المراحل عدا مرحلة هارفيز بوكس كانت مملة وخالية من اي متعة
القصة : القصة عبارة عن احداث متوزعة على الـ9 مراحل فهمها شي صعب ومحتاج تعمق لكن اساسها جدا جميل وحبيت يلي قدرت افهمة
الجرافكس : جرافكس بسيط جدا وجميل جدا مناسب للعبة الغاز والتحريك ممتاز
الموسيقى : كانت فوق المتوسط.. بعض المقاطع انحفظت براسي
تقييمي : اللعبة ممتعة جدا ومتوازنة وخالية من اي طمع اللعبة مجانية بالكاملة وما واجهتني اي اعلانات وتقدم محتوى كبير ودسم.. حبيتها جدا واعتبرها احد العاب الالغاز المفضلة عندي

Classic game "How the hell to get through this room"

Sights & Sounds
- After discovering Newgrounds in the early 2000s, I spent hours upon hours delving through the "popular" and "top rated" games pages. Many of my favorites were room escape games. It's clear that the visual design of Rusty Lake games pay homage to that era
- That is to say, nothing in the Cube Escape Collection looks visually stunning. Not sure the artstyle is really my preference either. Everything looks a little clumsy. The various rooms and settings are interestingly themed, but it takes a minute to look past what I'll charitably call its aesthetic
- The music is serviceable, but not noteworthy, and the sound design can best be described as "present"
- All in all, the presentation leaves a lot do be desired

Story & Vibes
- The fact that the devs bothered including a story--even if it's just impressions and hints--in a game like this is noteworthy, and it's interestingly-told to boot
- The story is meted out in bits and pieces as you go along. Sometimes it'll feel like a cutscene is presented to you at random. Other times, you'll find a code from one of the later games in the collection and go all the way back to an earlier one and enter it somewhere to get a meatier lore drop. Fitting the narrative pieces together is a puzzle on its own
- Not sure how to feel about the vibes. I usually appreciate a creepy or unsettling tone in a game, but it came off as a little edgy and try-hard here. It's not consistently annoying, but I did roll my eyes at a few of the attempts made to shock the player. At its best (for example, in the excellent "Arles" and "Harvey's Box" levels), though, it feels quirky and offbeat in the best way

Playability & Replayability
- But you're probably not looking at reviews for a game like this because you're interested in art or music or story. It's either because a) you like puzzles, or b) the game is dirt cheap. For the purposes of this review, let's assume the former
- If my assumption is correct, you're in for a treat. The puzzles in here are top-notch. If you were ever a fan of those Flash-era escape room games, the ones that comprise Cube Escape Collection are among the finest you'll experience
- Of course, with 9 games/levels, there's going to be some variability in quality. For example, the central puzzle of "The Lake" doesn't require much rigor to crack, but the absolute weirdness and absurdity of "The Mill" will take a bit of trial and error
- I'd highly recommend retreading the game with a guide after finishing the game's challenges. Getting through the puzzles you're already solved is quick work, and it's fun to see the paths you overlooked during your playthrough

Overall Impressions & Performance
- When shown a game with lamentable presentation and a heavy-handed tone-setting, I tend to shy away. No such case here. The puzzles are just too fun. I love the interconnected nature of the puzzles and plot. It's ambitious and interesting enough that I'm willing to overlook a few blemishes
- The game played perfectly well on the Steam Deck using the trackpads. Probably still easier to play it with a mouse, but I didn't feel like sitting at my laptop for that

Final Verdict
- 7.5/10. If you're down for a collection of some devilishly clever and challenging puzzles with a zesty dash of lore, you could do far worse than Cube Escape Collection. Hard to argue with the price, too

A história eu já esqueci de tão bizarra, mas para quem curte quebra-cabeças é recomendadíssimo

this games are good, i wish i knew what i just saw, tho

Une série de jeux de puzzle plutôt sympa, mais assez inégaux qui s'améliorent beaucoup vers les trois derniers épisodes.
PS : je dois voir TWIN PEAKS

A polish femboy forced me to play it, and therefore of course the story is a schizophrenic guy who potentionaly murdered hiswife

really fun little experiences pulled off pretty well. play these with a friend they're a good time

Love all these escape rooms. Rusty Lake nailing it like they always do.

There’s something to having a vision, a style you can call your own and consistently executing it time and time again which I find impressive.
Rusty Lake have built and executed the release of a dozen or so point and click, escape room-like games and to do so all since 2015 is no mean feat.

This collection of nine games is an excellent showing in the exact Twin Peaks, like creepy story telling and freaky puzzle logic they love and the connections between what are in their own rights nine separate short games is a solid bit of storytelling and universe building.

There is no denying that there is value in this package, price is not something that I feel should always be mentioned speaking about any art form but at just a little more than 50p a pop each game is not leaving you ever feeling short-changed and definitely worth highlighting.

As you would expect though, to have so many games in such a short period of time and available at such low prices the quality isn’t particularly high.
The art assets are nice enough and the horror effects can range for good to laughable, connecting this Rusty Lake Universe also reuses assets a lot, although I think smart asset reuse is something to typically be praised.
I use the word typically there because sadly I think with each of these nine adventures it’s on a case by case basis.
I won’t even try to fill this review with nine separate reviews, grades or even lists (we do love lists online) but I will say at its highest peaks I could see imagine having bought a game separately and felt pleased whilst at down in the valleys I find myself rolling my eyes, exclaiming “I’ve seen this before” and almost falling into the classic Internet trap of calling Rusty Lake “lazy devs”.

Between the nine games there are some smart puzzles, good sequences and also intelligent uses of callbacks. In some however there is pixel hunting, complete nonsense logic and crap attempts at jump scares.

When I review anything, although as I said earlier monetary value is not the deciding factor on where I rate something, I ask myself “would I recommend this” and even at a fiver being extremely poor myself I do have to question it deeply.
If you’ve played any of the other singular titles from this developer and enjoyed them enough this is a great collection and I had a better time with them than some of the individual games of theirs I had played previously.
If you’ve not then it’s down to how much you think you click with “Twin Peaks vibes”, the quotation marks doing a lot of heavy lifting.
For me, more often than not that “vibe” came across more “zany and kooky” with touches of teenage edge which at its worst affected not only the story but also the gameplay negatively.

Overall, the Cube Escape Collection is great value and if you want some simple little puzzles to pass the time then give it a go, I was say it’s good-enough.

Also, at least it's better than that White Door one.

não gosto de jogos que ultilizam recursos além do próprio jogo para entender um uma história, se termina ele e tem de buscar um enigma fora do jogo, seus puzzles de escape room genérico, não é horrivel tem uns capitulos legais e curti o surrealismo.

A charming and creepy point and click with a very heavy Twin Peaks influence. An atmospheric distraction that really worked well on Steam Deck.

Pretty cute story for a click/find game

Twin Peaks vibes. This is my cup of coffee.

These games have some good puzzles. But they're hidden inside of obtuse random clicking. Click this random plant to get puzzle piece. Put together to get solution to puzzle. Like a lot of it feels more like 'Where's Wally' than a puzzle game.

uns puzzles muito aleatórios, é uma experiência bem maluca parece que os dev tavam chapados mas no mais foram todos puzzles bons (mesmo que eu tenha usado guias em algumas partes).

Rating all of the games in this as one: I love these games. The story is really interesting, if a bit conveluted. The puzzles are sometimes a bit much, even for a point-and-click game.

The best things in life come in cubes

This collection repackages nine small Flash escape games in a single one. While "Flash escape game" makes it sounds like a bunch of casual time-wasters, those are actually pretty decent point & click with multiple puzzles and even NPCs and contraptions to use. The quality of the games and puzzles can vary wildly (from genuine brain ticklers to sliding puzzle crap and moon logic), but they're mostly a very good time.

Another good point is the surrealistic setting, very much inspired by Twin Peaks. A bit too much even, since the story beginning with the death of a woman named Laura feels already too on the nose, but the detective named Dale? Come on.
It also makes a very liberal use of jump scares and grotesque violence, which won't be everyone's cup of tea (I personally thought it was in pretty poor taste).
At least those bird men are cool though.

Let's look at the games individually:
- Seasons: a good start to the series with a neat narrative and mechanical twist near the end.
- The Lake: extremely short and simple. Doesn't do much beyond its weird focus on fishing.
- Arles: a pretty good van Gogh-themed game. It doesn't fit well with the rest of the Rusty Lake story, but I enjoyed it a lot.
- Harvey's Box: a very literal take on the puzzle box theme. Sadly it doesn't do much beyond that, and the quality of the actual puzzles is nothing to write home about. My least favorite entry.
- Case 23: now this is the most ambitious game in the collection. It's longer, has multiple rooms and numerous puzzles, and tries to develop the story with the introduction of the detective protagonist Dale Vandermeer. Quality is sadly a little inconsistent though (I mean, this is the one with a sliding puzzle).
- The Mill: we're getting closer and closer to a "regular" point-and-click game here. You can move around and check inside every room in the titular mill (well, there are only three), and there's even a NPC you need to feed for some reason (I actually got stuck a while because of that). Not bad.
- Birthday: this one is more straightforward but has pretty interesting puzzles and a fun setting. Not fan of the random violence though.
- Theatre: very similar to Birthday with once again nice puzzles, a cool setting and very well-paced. One of my favorite despite the weird gore (but if it was your dream to literally dive inside one man's brain, here you go).
- The Cave: the last game of the collection. Pretty clearly divided in two parts: the first is a classic escape room in a rather drab-looking cave with puzzles of various quality (mostly on the mediocre/forgettable side), the second is spent under water inside a submarine. You need to move the small vessel manually by finding coordinates, using various control panels and solving simple puzzles along the way. I found it a nice change of pace, but I can see other players hating it since it's very repetitive.

Overall a decent collection of games, especially at a low price.

i preferred how rusty lake hotel was structured but this collection was fun despite it making me feel stupid every now and then

One of the most messed up games I've ever played lol.

Great collection of 'escape room' games. I am a big fan of the Rusty Lake franchise, and these Cube games, despite being the first games in the series, are very good. Having them in a collection displayed in chronological order following the narrative in the rusty lake story is pretty nice, too!

simplesmente um dos jogos de puzzle que mais me entretêm desde 2016/2017

joguei todos os joguinhos de Cube Escape, eu particularmente gosto muito, tem alguns nada haver mais isso é de menos

How all these stand-alone escape puzzle games interact with each other and create one big, mind-boggling story is just astonishing!

Ranked: My All-Time Favourites . Rusty Lake

É um dos melhores jogos de puzzles já feitos, com certeza. A historia é realmente bem confusa e você vai ter que se virar pra poder entender ela. Muito bom, mas vai fritar alguns neorônios

Cube Escape Collection - A Review

As the title suggests, it’s a collection of all the Cube Escape games except Paradox. Rusty Lake’s game carries an interesting style which is appealing to me. Each game consists of interesting puzzles though for certain sections the lack of direction in solving can be a bit jarring when approaching them. However, with patience, you’ll eventually crack it. Highly appreciate the imaginative world established for the construction of the games.

I can see myself wanting to play these puzzles when I’d wish to relax. Still, I’d go ahead to reiterate that I personally prefer Cube Escape: Paradox over this entire collection and Rusty Lake Hotel any day.

loucura em um nível q chega a ser esquisito, mas mt bom.
são 9 jogos em um "jogo", então tem mt conteúdo.
È im point and click, porem os "enigmas" sao bem legais de resolver ( confesso q a maioria eu vi as respostas de como fazer, pq nao entendia nada) parei no 7 jogo eu acho, mas algum dia eu volto

Resumo: vale o preço