Reviews from

in the past

punched a hole in my monitor, do not deal with the devil

I almost broke my xbox because of this game

Cuphead’s relentless difficulty and classic cartoon art-design is a recipe to really captivate an audience. The type of audience that hates themselves.

When a truly difficult game comes my way, I often go in with caution. I don’t need everything to be braindead easy, but I do much prefer a relaxed experience over constant enemy placement, boss attack, confusing platform fuckery. Where Cuphead is able to separate itself from the games we know today as “bullshit,” is its fast-paced cutesy style of play.

Too many times in a game like the first Dark Souls, Sekiro, or the hardest modes on most FPS games, enemies are delay merchants, or there’s too many brutal, high damage attacks. Cuphead throws all of this out of the window and says, “Yo, check out this exploding bomb okay now look at this bullet wait actually blue and red bullet okay pink balloon you can parry this hold on pal I wasn’t done it’s time for my ultimate move, a floating head that follows you around. Checkmate, bitch.”

Cuphead’s ability to keep a lighthearted environment while also murdering you in broad daylight is what makes it stand out from its competition. Similar genres like shmups often fail to give you a break, it’s just a constant hellfire for 2+ hours. Cuphead’s boss difficulty can vary, and it isn’t all required to be done in a linear fashion. It’s really like an open world game where you have the freedom of saying fuck this, I’ll come back later.

A few things can really hold Cuphead back for me, though. Hit boxes on certain enemies, like the spaceships in Dr. Kahl, never seem to be all that close to them. Sometimes I’m standing around in what I think is a safe spot, only for a random attack to fly above my head but actually hit me in the process, even though it didn’t look like it did at all. There’s also some awful attacks. Again, Dr. Kahl is a huge blame here. The exploding bombs that follow you around are just ridiculous. I know Cuphead’s whole shtick is that retro feel of NES bullshit design, but when the majority of the game doesn’t feel that way, it’s hard to excuse this one instance.

My absolute biggest gripe with Cuphead, is the fact that the easier difficulty is just there for practice. I have no idea who thought this was a good idea; to add in an easier option but just deem it obsolete in the endgame. It’s not even like it just slows it down, they are completely different attacks with different patterns. What’s the point of adding a “practice mode” if that mode isn’t practice for “Regular” at all?

Also, fuck King Dice. Too long, no heals after levels unless you land on hearts, dumb. Lame.

I think what makes Cuphead so special is the fact that it’s just boss after boss after boss, with killer soundtracks and a great visual design. The difficulty is for the people who love masochism, while the rest of the game is for the people who love good overall game design. 8/10.

Um jogo muito bem feito, realmente parece um desenho dos anos 30, ótimas boss fights, mas já aviso que não émuito fácil não kkkkkk

Excellent animation, but as my older brother put it, "That game is impossible!" My nephew, 12 or 13 at the time, mastered it. It definitely has an audience.

Eu sou completamente apaixonado por esse jogo, tudo nele é muito autoral e apaixonante, além de entregar as fases, luta com boss e recompensa na medida certa.

Um verdadeiro JOGÃO.

From what I played, the first 2 islands, it was very fun. I hit a bit of a wall with the 3rd island where i just couldn't beat any level though, even after trying for about an hour. So i'm dropping for now.


It's an awesome game, but I don't really have anything unique to say about it.

Stay in school kids, and don’t deal with the Devil, it does things to you.

Dearest bitter sweet memories of a long lost lifetime.

I liked playing this on the Switch more than on the computer, it controls better there. It's a beautiful, challenging game.

A trilha sonora, ambientação, gameplay e universo desse jogo chegam a ser sacanagem. Isso aqui foi uma obra-prima lançada em sua época, sendo difícil e divertido no mesmo tom. O que isso aqui me deu de serotonina quando eu passava das fases é sacanagem

i bit my switch in frustration while playing this, but i’ve never felt more satisfied beating something than i did with this guy. also i’m blown away every time i open it by the art and soundtrack. (85 hours??)

Gráficos únicos, gameplay rápida e fluida, chefes memoráveis. Com certeza o melhor run and gun que eu já joguei! Super recomendo.

buen jueguito le faltaron combates por turnos

Holy peak, this game is so awesome. I love the art direction of this game, easily one of the best art directions in gaming. The combat is so fun and the bosses are all so fun and challenging (except that robot).The music is so good, i love each track. The only area i don't really like is the run and gun stages, i'm just not a big fan of them and i feel like it slows the game down, like i just want to fight the bosses.

Sinceramente, o meu indie favorito.
Esse jogo é simplesmente foda, nem só pelo estilo de arte, mas ele faz tudo perfeitamente.
Os chefes, as músicas, a arte, a gameplay, é tudo perfeito.

Fun game, haven't played it but looking forward to playing it. One of my must complete game.

muito fácil de se irritar, mas depois que você ganha não tem sentimento melhor.

divertido, frustrante, constante oscilação entre ambos. ainda assim, eh uma experiência digna.

Full disclosure: didn't beat this game. Fucking robot.
Great game though, I'll probably get back to it when I'm less tilted.

Um jogo fantástico e bem difícil.
A hístoria do jogo é divertida, as músicas são FANTÁSTICAS, e o desenho do jogo é realmente LINDO. Cada boss fight tem seu diferencial e é próvavel que tu vá morrer várias vezes até derrotar um boss.
Diferente de Hollow Knight, que tem bosses difíceis mas também tem a questão da exploração e cenário hóstil, a dificuldade de Cuphead está focada somente na Boss Fight.
Um detalhe para a versão coop do jogo, que é muito divertida! A vantagem de você conseguir reviver seu amigo deixa a gameplay bem mais fluída e dinâmica, mas a questão da internet acaba desanimando um pouco, já que ela tem que ser muito boa para os dois jogarem sem lag.
A DLC também é um espetáculo, diria tudo que disse para Cuphead porém ainda mais, principalmente na dificuldade.
Não cheguei a terminar, parei no robô, porém pretendo terminar algum dia.
Don't Deal With The Devil.

Stay in school kids, and don’t deal with the Devil, it does things to you.

Very cool 2D boss rush type game with amazing aesthetics.
Only downside is that all my friends who I played this game with ended up rage quitting D:

For what it is, it's perfect. Stay away if you don't like hard games, stay away if you don't like boss fights. But for those who do, its videogame perfection. Also, probably has the greatest art style of all time.

jogo muitoooo bom e díficil, único problema é o spam, entendo que isso é para dificultar, mas tem que ser o albert eisten 5 para conseguir olhar para 7 coisas ao mesmo coisa e ficar fugindo