Reviews from

in the past

Not sure why this game is rated low on here!
Not my first home console DDR release, but it was definitely an early one after much of playing the Wii entries. It was basically the last to really feature any of the OG cast of characters (which I had barely ever encountered before). This combined with a cool and stylized UI, grouped in with the weirdest campaign for a game I've seen along with a plethora of PS2 features made this the DDR that I'd spend most of my time with. The track list is rather decent and sizable on top of the fact that you could chart your own steps. There were plenty of unlockables and a tracking exercise counter. Even the menu themes slapped.
Once again, in a vacuum, the graphics and features this game had pretty much amounted to a home release that did feel more fulfilling and gave X2 an identity that the Wii editions ended up lacking (feeling muddied together as a result). Of course, this is in part to them essentially being arcade releases, but it was definitely a work of effort when it came to X2 on the PS2. I never tried out X to see its own campaign with dialogue yet even though I thought it was cool (and I never looked at videos either, so I can't talk about the game as a supposed sequel, unless it's not really linked).
While I haven't tried any other console releases from this system and before I can safely say X2 was a pretty good game and simulator. I had fun with it, and I kind of think it's impacted the way I see UIs, even if just a little.