Reviews from

in the past

Too good for this world. Apparently still too good for this world, according to EA's legal team!

A fun little moba. I enjoyed the time when a bunch of these were coming out. Fun to try and never play again as a nice break from League.

This was the most promising of the MOBAs coming at the time and unfortunately like a lot of MOBAs back then, because it was oversaturated and some big names were gettng in the market, it was dropped. ThorDG who used to play a lot seemed to be working on some revival project that hopefully won't get stopped by EA, but it's a real waste that this game is gone. Some of the best characters and worldbuilding in the genre too.

Another game unceremonsiously killed by EA that I suddenly started thinking about.

The MOBA wars were brutal.

Dawngate was an interesting and fun game to play when it came out. Sadly, it never picked up enough steam for EA to keep going. It had some fun characters with interesting lore that felt much deeper than League's was at the time. I'm sure some of this is nostalgia but I do genuinely miss Dawngate and wish it had gotten a chase to get out of Beta.

Shoutout to all my fellow Varion mains.