Reviews from

in the past

I sat grinding for prep stuff and this season didn’t bore me till the very end almost

Would have been more fun if it wasn't so long

My first full season playing D2, Season of the Lost was a fantastic experience, and masterfully set the stage for Witch Queen.

It was a loooooong year. However it was a good season and a great story for how long we had to be in a season that year.

No es tan estelar como las 2 anteriores, aunque quizá que haya sido el doble de larga me haya influenciado, si solo tenemos en cuenta el contenido y los cambios, ha estado bastante bien y cierra el que es de momento el mejor año que ha tenido Destiny, la comunidad está relativamente feliz y WQ tiene pinta que va a seguir mejorando el juego. Es buen momento para ser un fan.

Was too long but this was a great season leading up to witch queen.

Wellspring was engaging, Crow's arc was great, Savathun was fun to interact with, Shattered Realms had a good amount of variety; introduced some of my favorite weapons.

A good final season of the year, but the delay to Witch Queen making the season 6 months was certainly not ideal. Delaying the final mission of the season till the week before WQ launch was also a bit... weird. I would have enjoyed playing that mission a few times over the last couple months of the season. Oh well! Still very fun.

Literally every minute I put into this was a waste of time but was an exceptionally fun waste of time. Finished the season pass, got the cool guns, hit a respectable power level.