Reviews from

in the past

I was so close to thinking this game was great but it fell off harder than anything else I've played during the second half. The ENTIRE second half of the game is just padding. You backtrack through all the game's levels until you reach the starting point, fighting the same bosses along the way. That's it. You don't even get a unique final level. Instead, you have to do a boss gauntlet where you fight each boss for a THIRD time. There is a unique climactic fight before the gauntlet, but the final boss? Once again, it's just a slightly stronger version of a boss you've fought before. What a letdown.

I would have preferred if they just ended the game as the first half concludes. That would have made for a short-but-sweet experience. But the game continues while pretending that it still has some cards left to play, even though as a player you're hyper-aware that it has used up all of its tricks. I know they ran out of budget, but that's no excuse for padding the game out like this. Don't make budgetary issues into the player's problem. Just end the game if you have nothing left to show.

More games need a difficulty mode that just adds the max amount of enemies your hardware can handle

the game fell off during the second half and the final boss is shit but the game itself is awesome

it's alright
the cutscenes from this game are absolutely incredible though


the best weapon

If Dante had his own stages this would be one of the best games ever made

Really good gameplay, great depth but Dante part is just awful

Juego super repetitivo, incluso tienes que hacer las mismas misiones 2 veces... Bosses esponja (encima, algunos tienes que hacerlos 3 veces), protagonista que es un clon de Uchiha Sasuke, gameplay aburrido, puzzles que te hacen preguntarte lo qué estás haciendo con tu vida (ejem, parchís). Lo único salvable es la parte que juegas con Dante, lo demás roza el terrorismo. Si no usaras a Dante en todo el juego le pondría una estrella (y siendo generoso).
PD: la cámara sigue dando vergüenza ajena (inaceptable esa cámara en un juego de PS3).

If this was either just the Nero segments, or if Dante had some original levels, this would probably be at least the second best DMC game. Sadly, the second half is so unfinished and repetitive that if Dante hadn't felt so good to play this game would be much lower. Him only getting like seven stages to play while Nero comes back for the final two is really funny. I think Bloody Palace is what will save this game for me in the long run because it just feels so incredible.

Un juego que no sabe que quiere ser, que se nota que está sin terminar y que se alarga artificialmente al punto que deja de ser divertido. Ni siquiera la historia es decente, es un conjunto de ideas que en papel suenan interesantes pero que no se aprovechan en lo más mínimo. Ni siquiera dante funciona culpa de que el diseño del juego está hecho para nero. Te lo pasas una vez y se acabó, a otra cosa, porque rejugar este despropósito es una perdida de tiempo.

The most "null" Devil May Cry. None of the weird jank of DMC1, none of the buckbreaking awfulness of DMC2, none of the series and genre definition of DMC3, none of the [redacted] of DmC, none of the gameplay refinement and iteration on 3's system of 4...

No, that was a lie. This iterates on DMC3 great in Dante's half; he feels incredible to control, especially coming off of DMC3. Nero for his part is also fun, though much of his route can be beat by just spamming his beefy arm. It's a fun time, though feels incomplete once you get to Dante's route and you run the game in reverse.

This game is kinda painful to play. I love the visuals and story, but really really don't like the level design, enemies, and bosses. Seriously disappointing you only play as Dante for 7 missions, since it's my favorite design for him.

thanks to awful pc port couldnt play it.

minha versão favorita do Dante

No es tan malo, el hecho de que las misiones de Dante sean reciclaje de Nero es un desperdicio de su tan buen gameplay que tiene aqui, también que el boss rush de la misión 19 es...existe, punto. Aún con todo eso, considero que sigue siendo un buen juego y lo recomiendo bastante, no es DMC 3 ni DMC 5, pero esta bien

Beat the Nero/Dante storyline. Planning to come back for Vergil and Lady/Trish. I wish Dante could have more missions, a lot a weapons but it doesn't feel like there is enough time to use them all. Nero was still fun though.

A solid followup to DMC3 expanding even further on Dante's gameplay while also introducing a new player character Nero. Despite still being good, held back from being great by being only half of a game.


Perfectly fine game. If a little less fun than DMC 3.

Of course they made the Tuscan man a non-believer

Devil May Cry 4: Special Edition is feature bloat shoved into a game that doesn’t have enough content to house its original features to begin with. A stellar game mechanically and worth the play but the back half suffers from being a retread of the previous missions. Get through it once and play Bloody Palace mode if you want your DMC4 fix.

Melhor jogo que já joguei na minha vida

slows down in the middle but still very fun

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