Reviews from

in the past

the level design? not great. the port? ok. the extra characters? could always be better. however, no one gives two fucks about all that when guardflying, lucifer, gilgamesh, and distortion makes this the GREATEST fucking action game of alltime. the final verdict for this TRAVESTY, this ABOMINATION is a 10/10 WITH A BADASS SEAL OF APPROBBAL.

thanks to awful pc port couldnt play it.

minha versão favorita do Dante

I was so close to thinking this game was great but it fell off harder than anything else I've played during the second half. The ENTIRE second half of the game is just padding. You backtrack through all the game's levels until you reach the starting point, fighting the same bosses along the way. That's it. You don't even get a unique final level. Instead, you have to do a boss gauntlet where you fight each boss for a THIRD time. There is a unique climactic fight before the gauntlet, but the final boss? Once again, it's just a slightly stronger version of a boss you've fought before. What a letdown.

I would have preferred if they just ended the game as the first half concludes. That would have made for a short-but-sweet experience. But the game continues while pretending that it still has some cards left to play, even though as a player you're hyper-aware that it has used up all of its tricks. I know they ran out of budget, but that's no excuse for padding the game out like this. Don't make budgetary issues into the player's problem. Just end the game if you have nothing left to show.

More games need a difficulty mode that just adds the max amount of enemies your hardware can handle