Reviews from

in the past

good game with good leveling system and fun gameplay.

Um jogo que eu já investi algumas centenas de horas no PC desde que lançou em 2012, mas que sempre tive curiosidade de jogar as versões de console pelas adaptações de controle e o tal "botão de esquiva".

O tal botão não faz muita diferença no fim das contas, mas os controles são excelentes. Só a assistência de mira já vale por esse port completamente. Como assim eu posso jogar dezenas de horas de Diablo 3 sem ficar com dores nos pulsos?

No mais, mesmo jogo, só um pouco mais comfy/casual por não ter um mouse e teclado. Horas de diversão, o modo Adventure estar liberado desde cara acelera infinitamente o loop do jogo, já que a campanha é mei que qualquer coisa.

Jogo pra deixar instalado e pegar pra jogar quando der vontade.

There's something hilarious about the fact that Darksiders Genesis was my gateway drug to Diablo.

I mean, it's the OG for a reason, right? There's something to be said for sitting down, turning your brain off for a few hours, and just hitting loot pinatas. Let the dopamine flow.

I actually started this a long while ago, put it down for a few years, and just platinum'd it on PS4 in my quest to actually finish all the games I've started. It was the perfect game to relax after a day at work, and I still like how varied the classes feel. Witch Doctor is still my favorite, and Barbarian is my least favorite. There's enough content after being out so long to keep people going, and it's super easy to level with Adventure mode, rifts, and a whole host of other little bonuses and things to ease the process. No more banging through the main story quest a billion times to level.

It's flawed, no question. The gameplay loop does get super old after a while (hence why I put it down for so long), and Blizzard themselves didn't do this game any favors early in its lifecycle. Near the end of my platinum push, I'd get a class to 70 and just leave it for the next character, because I was sort of sick of that class.

I'm cautiously pessimistic about Diablo IV, particularly with some of the monetization decisions and for-cost season passes, but Diablo III was a fun romp that, aside from the price of the game, didn't cost me a dime.

Pretty addictive and WAY more fun with friends

so frickin good, you can play this endlessly with tons of replayability, challenges and rewards, and you can get the game for low price too with D2

El juego que más veces me he pasado en un corto periodo de tiempo. Es mi primer Diablo, no puedo entrar en comparativas, pero me ha parecido adictivo, rápido. Y como me pilles en un día juguetón le pongo las 5 estrellas

My favorite game to play while doing something else. That doesn’t seem like high praise but now that I’m done with it, I already miss it.
I would play while listening to podcast, audiobooks, watching TV shows, chatting with friends, etc. Terrific couch co-op game or to play online with friends.

Diablo 3 perfected the loot grind in a satisfying way that never wore out its welcome. Even after the Platinum trophy (which involved maxing every character), I was never tired of this game.

Amazing game that has more content than I know what to do with!
It's a never ending grind for Mystery Items!

I love the smell of destruction in the morning.

Literally has all the content needed for a person to enjoy.
Good story, magnificent OST, great gameplay with 7 classes to go ham with what you want AND let's not forget the Post game content which makes things 100 times better.
Barbarian and Monk 4 life.

"I need a corpse to do this..."
Best Diablo EVER!

Es mejor cuando se juega con amigos. Solo, no estoy tan seguro.

I played Diablo III originally on the PC, and as a long time fan of the franchise I had a lot of fun with it the first time around. I picked the Swtich port up last week because it was an insane deal and I was floored at how good it was. They did an amazing job getting this game to run on the hardware and it runs beautifully in both handheld and docked mode. It only took me a weekend to clear all 5 acts and start going through the post-game and I highly enjoyed every minute of it. If you have a Switch and enjoy dungeon crawlers, you absolutely have to play this port.

A pesar del cambio grafico respecto al 2 el juego mantiene el mismo ambiente de luchar contra ordas de demonios, por lo que se sigue disfrutando de arrasar campos de batalla con tu personaje. Se han hecho bastantes cambios para poner mas accesibles algunas cosas (que las pociones o los teleports no ocupen espacio de inventario) y se ha mantenido ese lore tan disfrutable.

Fun times for some relatively mindless dungeon crawling and gear grinding, although a bit short lived if you don’t pvp. The campaign isn’t much to speak about.

Really nice game if you just want to relax and have a good time with someone. Everything is pretty easy to understand, and the visuals are pleasing to look at. I appreciate how the difficulty works in this game, with levels that gradually increase in challenge, so the gameplay never becomes too monotonous. Additionally, some of the sidequests are nicely integrated into the main storyline. I can't get enough of this loot-system either, so addictive

Don't underestimate the power of a simple "adventure mode is immediately available on the switch" feature

I have yet to finish this, I definitely have to give it another chance. I only didn't get too far because other games took my attention for a time, but I definitely wanna try again. From what I played so far, it's very fun and I enjoyed it a lot!

Não tenho muita experiência no gênero, mas me diverti bastante.

Great version of a great game. Runs really nicely. Not much more to be said! Only gripe is that it's a bit funny when running a Season character in portable mode - it kind of wants a net connection all the time when you're doing that.

I jump into this game for each seasonal update and I could not begin to tell you the finer points of the story, but the seasonal gameplay loop [create a seasonal character and then complete specific challenges for unique, synergizing gear, which allows you to solo higher difficulties with ease] has created a system that compacts the entirety of the Diablo 3 powercurve into a ten hour game which changes just enough between updates to create a dynamic rush.

BlizzActivision is a terrible company and I would in no way purchase this game again knowing what I know now. Their treatment of staff is unconscionable.

I change my mind, this game drifts too far into oversimplification, but for the most part, it's a great streamlining of a very esoteric, and in my opinion, very uninteresting genre.

I don't have any nostalgia for the rest of the Diablo series but I enjoyed this one quite a bit.

Es droga sin cortar. Nunca he jugado a un Diablo antes así que todo el debate sobre la estética me resulta ajeno, de hecho el 2 me parece feote y demasiado oscuro.