Reviews from

in the past

100% it, was hard at the start but once you get the FLO and mechanics it's a good time!

its like working a minimum wage job, but without the pay

idk why but the gameplay loop of this is ultra satisfying

if you didnt jack off to this game in your formative years, you aren't a fan of restaurants

sooo much fun. these kinds of games where you queue up actions in the most efficient order tickle my autistic brain in the perfect way

childhood game . i played it with my mother .

Flo is top-tier Wine Aunt bait.

kinda fun but I think I’ll always prefer a game that emphasizes making the food over the time management aspect

Why Becoming a Waiter Sucks: The Game

I used to play the shit out of the flash version as a kid, it was a joy to go back and 100% this on an emulator. Fun as hell. I love video games

Jill Valentine? Samus? Cortana? Tifa?
Bitch, my first love on female video game characters was Flo.
(That I am still ashamed of admiting)

Very unique and you could already tell that this was going to be the future face of shitty mobile games and cheap rip-offs.
For it's time this was actually a pretty chill and satisfying game to play.

A certified classic with more spinoffs and clones than probably any of the Big Fish Games / Shockwave 2000s games.

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Kid me had a crush on the girl on the cover

remember only playing a free demo as a kid and it was epic

The rating is purely nostalgia.

Even if I only played the second one as a kid i mean c’mon these are the same game

Holy shit does this game have some bullshit though. By the second half, if you're not playing nearly PERFECTLY, you're fucked. simple as that

Flo gave me my first boner

Kinda wanna fuck the diner dash bitch