Reviews from

in the past

i accidentally missed a trophy so i had to play it twice which was a bit annoying but that's on me! pretty cool the first time around if you're just as obsessed with the weeping angels as i am.

Seriously one of the coolest licensed games I've ever played. A found-footage or "found-phone" game that follows up on one of the best Doctor Who episodes in a subtle and interactive way. Heavily recommend checking it out.

spooky little phone game about one of doctor who's most popular creatures, not much to it but the presentation is neat and there are some nice references in there so I enjoyed it

Doctor Who: The Lonely Assassin’s is based on the concept of the popular Doctor Who episode Blink. It dives deeper into the lore of the weeping angels and the game is filled with easter eggs for Doctor Who fans.

This game is about an hour to an hour and a half long. In this game the player controls a person who has found a cellphone and with the help of another person is tasked to find the owner of the phone.

It’s a horror/mystery game at heart. The gameplay consists of the player searching the phones emails, photos and text messages to find clues to determine what happened to the owners phone. The puzzles are easy to solve and while there are a few jump scares the selling point of this game is the “sinister atmosphere” that exists while you play it.

Overall this is a game that fans of Doctor Who will most likely enjoy. I’d recommend this game be purchased on a steep discount.

Played on: Xbox Series X
Review score: 3/5

A nice Doctor Who universe game (since there's not many on Xbox to my knowledge), but overall this was pretty corny.

Would've been nice to walk around and explore somewhere instead of just play on a phone.

A quick and easy 100% for achievement hunters if you use a walk-through.

The Lonely Assassins é um jogo muito difícil de falar sobre. Como fã de Doctor Who, foi MUITO legal jogar algo bem feito, que faz tantas referências e dá continuidade pra uma das histórias mais icônicas da série moderna. Eu sou fã, eu quero service e esse jogo teve o fanservice que eu queria.

Dito isso, como jogo, ele é bem simples, pegando na sua mão sempre que um puzzle diferente acontece, virando quase uma história interativa e menos um jogo de detetive.

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Very unremarkable. It has too much of both the shortcomings of Doctor Who (i.e. the cringe is barely tolerable) and the same for Simulacra (I haven't played 2, but the formula with 1 and pipe dreams repeats yet again here).
The puzzles are all very easy, some of them are a bit weird (like listing eye colour but not name for a missing person search? And going out of your way to unsuspiciously lie about the location of your meeting with someone because of the dialogue choices?)
Still, it's somewhat fun to play.

It was fun. Not what you'd really expect from a Doctor Who licenced game but for what it is... it's good, even if it isn't that challenging.

It's crazy to think but, yes, Doctor Who: The Lonely Assassins managed to keep my attention for longer than any episode of Series 12.

From the people who made Simulacra, a game I've seen plenty of YouTubers play, this game is essentially a "found footage" game in which you solve a mystery by decrypting files and piecing together context clues from texts and emails.

It's a lot of fun and is genuinely spooky (moreso than the series itself at times), but the problems arise from not being shown things explicitly. I think I spent a few minutes on a timed section trying to figure out what I was trying to do.

It's a short two hour platinum on PS4 and it it's cheap enough I'd highly recommend it if you're a fan of the series.
Don't worry, though, you don't need to watch any of the Chibnall stuff to fully understand the references, I'm pretty sure there's only a reference to the Rosa Parks episode and a sly tease for the Flux series (although I've not yet seen it).

Very short, but enjoyable is the best way to describe this game. Kaigan Games, the developers of Simulacra, partnering with the BBC to make a Doctor Who game is a super odd pairing, but it works surprisingly well enough. The game was very clearly made during the height of the pandemic, but that's what makes the format of the game so brilliant. Other Kaigan Games games already don't have too much characters on screen anyway, so this felt no different

As a huge Doctor Who fan, having Osgood be the guiding lead throughout the whole game is super neat. And as of writing this, this is currently her last chronological appearance since 2015's Zygon Inversion, so its just nice to have more of her

It was also super nice to see/hear from the characters after 2007's Blink (the Angels' first appearance). Always one of my favorite episode and its super nice to see Larry again, even if it was only briefly. Just a small shame that we don't get to see Sally at all, but Carey Mulligan is probably too expensive for the BBC at this point lmao

Speaking of the Angels themselves, they were utilized kinda... eh? In fairness, this game isn't entirely at fault. Every appearance of the Weeping Angels since Blink have added really stupid rules to how they work and this game is no different. The plot contradicts itself many times throughout the 2 hour playtime with the really dumb "the image of an angel becomes itself an angel" rule established in 2010's Time of the Angels

Not the worst choice for a main antagonist in a Doctor Who mobile game, but I feel as though an original monster would have been a better choice. (still love the Angels tho!)

Lastly, despite the messy plot and surface level gameplay, it's still an absolute treat, ESPECIALLY for Whovians. I counted at least 12 references and easter eggs to random episodes throughout the show's history. Fun enough for what it is, recommend it to fans of the show specifically

Well, honestly, I'm not quite sure what to say about this one. I haven't watched any Doctor Who ever, but I do know about the Weeping Angels from previously being interested in them specifically. I think ... they did a pretty decent job at making the story and gameplay interesting, but it was rather linear without any variety and the "puzzles" were not real puzzles at all, just some number combinations, puzzle pieces, etc.

Not really sure if it's canon that the angels can enter phones as well? That seemed like a silly idea to me honestly. If it is canon, then I guess it works out, but still seems silly. The acting was mediocre, not all that good, the actors did their best, but they didn't really sell the tension and danger to me. The writing was also... not so great, but it was still mainly enjoyable to read through!

I think they did an okay job, but comparing to their older games, Simulacra and Simulacra 2, it felt a little flat. I wouldn't really recommend this game to anyone, but the price is cheap and if you manage to get your hands on the game at a discount, it will be worth the few hours of gameplay. Still, going to mark it as not recommended for me.

Surprisingly spooky time. Someone needs to do something about these angels getting into phones.

It's fine? it's a cute little Doctor Who side story with characters from the infamous weeping angels episode, and I guess I had a good time with it, but it was really short and the gameplay definitely wasn't as good or engaging as the games in the simulacra series.

Una pequeña historia basada en el maravilloso capítulo de blink. Es igual que un capítulo pero tiene otro formato más interactivo.
Es muy disfrutable para fans, con varios guiños a la serie de Tv, y también disfrutable para gente que venga nueva ya que se explica de 0 de que va este universo del doctor who.
Creo que he visto un error de ortografía en algún momento y en otro momento me ha parecido que una conversación con osgood daba un poco vueltas con las opciones que te daba y en realidad solo podías escoger una, y las demás te dan más texto pero no añaden nada.

Si te gustó el capítulo: blink te gustara esto.
Si alguna vez quisiste entrar a la serie pero te da pereza por lo que sea, pues esta es una experiencia corta, autoconclusiva, y que tiene toda la esencia de la serie.