Reviews from

in the past

me, today: "man donpachi is a cool fundamentals shmup but i wish the difficulty was fair and it had more drip"

me, also today, 3-4 hours later: "wow cool game!"

do don do don do don


Everything about this game is designed to maximally flood the player’s brain with dopamine. The way each bullet turns into a little star you can collect upon bombing, which creates these screen-filling showers of chiming stars ; the particular way things flash and bust apart and explode when you shoot them; the way power-ups make your stream of fire just ridiculously massive; the thrill of dodging through oceans of slow-moving bullets of all shapes and colors and sizes... It’s all just sensory-overload BLISS. (It’s possible that I’m describing literally every bullet-hell shmup out there, but this is the first proper one I’ve played, so it gets credit for all of these genius aesthetic- and design-choices.)

Hell yeah! Now that's what I'm talking about! Wow, SO much better than the first game. Bullet patterns are way more fun to dodge.

Japanese Policarpo Quaresma.

esta guay, muy buen feedback y toda la pesca pero no mucho mas, otros shoot em ups tienen mejor diseño de nivel y los bosses muy samey entre si

Still the best entry point for CAVE shmups. and if you care about the long term this game still has so much scoring depth in its second loop that top-level players are still squeezing out new exploits/strategies to this day.