Reviews from

in the past

greatest bongo game of all time

Very cool little 2D platformer incorporating the DK bongos!

If I have to buy a separate accessory to play your game, it automatically sucks.

When I was younger, the Wii was my main game console, and aside from the hacked hard drive of 200 games that we had and the occasional trips to the store for new releases, one of my sources for Wii games was bulk-buying pirated game discs. Most of these didn't actually work (or they only worked for a little while), but one of the few that did was Donkey Kong Jungle Beat, and so when my family found its disk within a stack of shovel ware and movie tie-in games yesterday, I immediately remembered playing through the first level and getting scared of how intimidating the first boss was when I must've been around eight or nine years old. After finding the disc and seeing that it still worked after all these years I spent the past two days playing it, and I was surprised with just how much of a blast I had with this game, and I'd honestly consider Donkey Kong Jungle Beat to be one of the best games in the franchise.

When it first came out on the GameCube, Donkey Kong Jungle Beat was designed to be played with the DK Bongos, and as much as I wish that I had that controller for the sake of both novelty and to see how the game worked around Nintendo's answer to the Dance Dance Revolution mat, I still thought that this game felt great on the Wii. Although the level design is much less tough than that of the original Donkey Kong Country trilogy, Donkey Kong is given a ton of new moves to make the levels feel more dynamic, with the shockwave move in particular making attacks feel satisfying and powerful. Along with avoiding obstacles and getting to the end of the stage, Donkey Kong Jungle Beat also puts an emphasis on chaining moves in order to collect as many bananas as possible (which are eventually used as both your health for the kingdom's boss fight and the game's method of ranking your score), and combining that with Donkey Kong's new side jumps, ground pounds, and wall jumps gives the game a unique sense of flow and rhythm that feels immensely rewarding when pulled off correctly, especially thanks to the game's immensely over-the-top presentation. Despite how much this game deviates from the rest of the series, Donkey Kong Jungle Beat still managed to feature a good amount of animal sections which served as good shifts from the core gameplay, and the same can be said for the genuinely fun water levels.

As I was playing Donkey Kong Jungle Beat, it didn't take long for me to start making connections between this game and Super Mario Galaxy, so I wasn't surprised to find out that they were both made by the same division of Nintendo. On top of using a few of the same sound effects, Donkey Kong Jungle Beat also shares some ideas that were expanded upon three years later, such as the giant flowers that fling you after spinning on them and water sections in the sky, and it was interesting to see these concepts in their infancy. My only gripes have to do with the boss fights, because while they were fun, there wasn't much variety to them, as there were only four kinds of bosses that got repeated each time (aside from the final boss). Wall jumping was also a bit finicky when it came to dodging attacks from bosses, but that's more of a nitpick than anything major. Donkey Kong Jungle Beat was an amazing and inventive platformer, and while I didn't get to experience the game with the original DK Bongos, I still had a ton of fun with it.

genuinely one of the most insane and over-the-top Nintendo games ive ever played. this doesnt feel like it should be real

Still one of the most clever and inventive platformers that I've played. The bongos were not detrimental to the experience at all for me. Also really cool just how much this game inspired Super Mario Galaxy.

The fact that an action-platformer controlled by bongos is playable, let alone actually good, is pretty incredible. Nintendo EAD Tokyo rightfully recognised the inherent fun of switching between quick claps, taps, and going absolutely ham on the bongos and it shows. The level design is diverse and smartly focuses on the thrill of racking up huge rhythmic combos, which is a perfect fit for the controller as well as the bonkers presentation. Not every part of Jungle Beat hits -- the boss variety and slower water/precision platforming sections stick out -- but when it does, there's nothing quite like it. If you have access to the DK Bongos, give this a try!

didnt like much the controls and the main mechanic but still good.

This game really made me appreciate David Wise as a composer because GODDD this soundtrack is ass

with controller, actually pretty good. like every step and action you take is deliberate bc you'll be stringing combos and stuff. really good movement

why is the ape beating in the jungle? 🤨

slamming the bongos in this game definitely made my brother stronger and more capable of viciously beating me

Going apeshit (pun intended) on those bongos to get max combos was more fun than I thought would be possible

A great platformer

platforming with bongos??? was this made for me??

hard to play with the intended control schemes (both bongos and motion) in the modern era but a cool experimental game

Game is good as hell for what it is

I did not have the special bongos for this, so I had to play this on a normal Gamecube controller. I remember that you had to tilt the c-stick left and right while moving with the left stick to run, it was really weird, but oddly fun.

the durian kingdom level has you invading a fortress full of ninja-themed monkeys with lightning swords, cannons, ones throwing little shurikens at you. i made it to the boss and got destroyed because of my awful dodge timing. game over, you have to do the whole 2 levels again to get back. my hands hurt. i physically pummeled my way back through that fortress and stood, dark clouds and hard rain, in front of this evil ass kong. i beat the absolute shit out of him

some tedious moments but a good time

Points for originality as this is a platformer that is played using the kongas.
Unfortunately I never had fun playing it.

Fighting for all the platinum medals was some of the best fun I've had on the GameCube. My hands hurt just thinking about it.

I had fun because I only chose to get gold medals. The platinum goal would have made it not fun at all (even though I did get there a few times by chance).

Fue un gran reto tomar el mando de los bongos, pero los mundos ni los jefes tienen desperdicio en este juego, es un donkey kong excelente.

A creative 2d platformer that uses the bongo controller very well. I think some of the levels are very basic and the bosses all kinda blend together for the most part. But it is a fun time banging on the bongo's to move quickly through the stages or fight other apes. A good game

underrated DK platfomer, the gameplay here is really solid and unique since this is the only plaformer I know where you can use an set of bongos for control and feel good at the same time, chaining wall jumps, swings, grabs and ground pounds to create combo chains never gets old and mastering each level is satisfying.

the presentation is also pretty good, this game has the good old Nintendo polish in terms of UI and audio design everything just looks and sounds good, the music is also pretty catchy.

level-design is genuinely great, every level is fun to play and each own with their unique gimmicks to spice them up.

boss battles are very fun although they start to get repetitive later on.

overall Jungle Beat is great, it is weirder than the Country games since this was made by Nintendo themselves after Rareware's buyout but it's still an good time and every Donkey Kong fan should try it.

how come we got an adventure game with the donkey bonga’s and not with the guitar hero guitar???