Reviews from

in the past

There was this Japanese Sega Magazine that would talk about all of the Sega stuff including giving reviews or talking about upcoming games. One thing they did by the end of it's run when the Saturn was taking over there was a ranking list by readers for all of the Mega Drive games. One of the most interesting of them in the bottom 5 was Double Dragon II. I was like "What? Why is this here?" So I thought maybe I should see. Playing it now, I totally get what they mean.

So this seems to be a port of the Arcade game which I haven't played so I can't say how faithful it is. Let's start off with this, the game's music is actually not too bad. It could have been like the first DD game's Genesis OST where its atrocious. Not here though, which surprises me. Ok that's the only positive I have for this.

This game runs like garbage. It slows down all of the time and the scrolling is horrible. I honestly don't even know what's causing this slowdown. It even sometimes goes to normal speed for a second for no reason, is it just poor optimization? The hit detection seems off too but it's not the worst ever.

I don't really like the controls either, it just felt confusing to me. I'm sure I'd get use to it on an NES controller but it for some reason bothers me more on a Mega Drive controller. It doesn't help these problems also involve the jump kick and grabbing items as it only works with one button and depending on the direction as well.

The game only has four stages and it can also be pretty easy once you figure out what's good against the enemies. Was it only four stages in the arcade because wow that's short. There really is just nothing good here. Even the presentation is horrible.

Really I don't know why I expected something other than this, I already have never enjoyed the first game I tried for Arcade and Famicom so why I thought this would be a good idea is beyond me. Sure there's probably worse games on the console like Fantasia or Sword of Sodan but it's sad that this not only came out the way it did but it was even after Streets of Rage. Sure they were both being made at the same time but I expected better. I guess we should be glad this never got a western release.