Reviews from

in the past

Buenas mecánicas pero terriblemente incompleto

this game is a fucking mystical creature to me. i played the demo like once in a fever dream at someones house and it lived with me forever as the greatest thing created by man. i actually played it and kind of regretted taking that from me but it was so forgettable that i don't think that initial feeling is entirely gone

Best DBZ title for capturing art, everything else is mediocre

Because those words are gonna come up like 50 times, man. The weights are off, on some Rock Lee shit, the weights are off. I took them off, I threw them into-

Game looks gorgeous, but light on content and characters
also is a step back from other Budokai games in terms of gameplay mechanics but the removal of chance ultimates is much appreciated

Something about the graphics of this at the time of release really made me wanna love it, but...

My mom bought this game for me without telling my dad and he walked in on me playing it and said "is this a new one?" and I said it was a demo and that after 10 stages (I was only like 4) it would ask me to buy it and he believed me because he's OLD

Replaying on this game had me so excited for it since i loved budokai gameplay especially 3 but man this game is the definition of unfinished to hell. The combat continues using budokai movesets but giving a bit of freedom but this what i could give props to it.

The reused animations actually pains me so bad, especially on key moments they just re use over and over again and there's nothing that surpasses the Original except for Goku going Super Saiyan and Vegeta beating Second Form Cell.

Either way, it's a game that exists but at least it brought the coolest soundtrack that dragon ball game gave to us. (Sorry Tenkaichi series, you are a close one.)

o jogo tem poucos personagens e acaba ficando repetitivo, muito tediante e chato

Budokai but with less content and in HD