Reviews from

in the past

Back when I wanted to play the Dragon Quest series (which to my knowledge had less to really do with me riding the usual smash hype waves but was rather fueled by wanting to see what the series was about as my friends were into DQ11), I wanted to play the first games but I was alone in my expensive-ass college apartment so I didn't have my trusty SNES or NES to bust out the originals and emulation ain't my jam when I can avoid it. I did have a Wii and a palpable comprehension level of Japanese (which to this day is far from complete lmao), so I was like fuck it we ball and played the 16 bit versions of DQ 1-3 through this compilation disc. Very strange that games as extremely important to Japanese video gaming as the first few Dragon Quests got a limited compilation disc to be played on the wii instead of the rational decision to put them on virtual console, but like I guess if Mario All Stars can get away with it so can Dragon Quest. It's a pretty barebones compilation, there's the first 3 games both in their original famicom form as well as their super famicom remakes as well as your typical basic art gallery bonuses that come with these kinds of packages. I do think it's cool to add both the originals for those that want to embrace the 8-bit limitations and jank as well as the remakes for those that want a more comfortable Dragon Questing. It would have been cool if they did some way to transfer save files between the two game types but that'd probably not work given how the remakes for the games (especially 3) are. DQ1 and 3 alone are def worth getting this comp for but there are probably much easier ways to play em these days than finding an obscure wii compilation and I'm just the very weird outlier, I think getting actual carts is pretty trivially cheap (or at least it SHOULD be). If you are in the exact same extremely statistically small scenario as I was when I played this and want to get some dragons quested this is a very good way to do so!

The Master Chief Collection'dan sonra en iyi paket