Reviews from

in the past

It was fun when it first came out, but it had its issues with people either not bothering to draw or drawing inappropriate pictures. I quickly lost interest in it, but occasionally I would delete and reinstall it. Then the ads started, which ruined much of the experience. Recently, when I went to reinstall it, I discovered that it was gone for no apparent reason.

Miss you, OMGPOP. Spent a good few sessions with friends playing Draw Something, into Draw My Thing.

It’s a shame many of my finest masterpieces are lost to history

cute little mobile game to play with a friend

I played so much of this dang game in college with friends from back home. I still have a folder on my phone with about 50 saved screenshots of drawings by either myself or friends. Good times.

Je jouais à ce truc sur mon ipod touch avec des filles du collège ptn l'époque.........

pretty fun. this was a great little distraction for me and my siblings during the 2019-2020 bushfires here in australia when we literally spent every waking moment thinking everything and everyone we loved would be destroyed.

A true display of my artistic talents.