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In Dungeons & Dragons: Dark Alliance, we return to the moors of Icewind Dale but, unlike many other Wizards of the Coast-branded RPGs, it does so with an action-packed adventure and enemies to eliminate with increasingly exaggerated combos. Aside from a few stumbles with the camera and the not-always-accurate controls, I was pleasantly impressed by the combat system and the excellent level design, made up of traps, secret passages and hordes of increasingly exaggerated opponents. Unfortunately, however, my journey suffered from a certain repetitiveness and sometimes exaggerated grinding that forced me to return several times to arenas I had visited shortly before.

A perfect example of how good graphics doesn't mean good game.

I had forgotten that I briefly played this game on GamePass.
Not recommended. R. A. Salvatore's iconic characters are wasted in a bad attempt to create a live-service loot-based game.

Horrible in every way but still kinda fun somehow

An absolute travesty of a game, buggy, slogged mess. It takes the name Dark Alliance but it doesn't deserve it. On top of that it absolutely sucks to have my favorite characters from the entire Forgotten Realms finally all feature in a game together and it's this one...Drizzt, Cattie Brie, Wulfgar, and Bruenor deserve so much better.

one of the most BORING games I've played in recent years. I feel like it's worse that it's a pretty mid game with some ok ideas, but the gameplay is so dang boring & so just... nothing. Not a single thing in this game feels satisfying, not even playing with friends.

Absolute mess. Don’t not worth a purchase, but while a friend or friends it could be a buggy fun time. Solo? No thanks

LOL. What game is this? I should have realized how bad it would look when I saw the trailer.
The multiplayer server has a lot of bugs, the combat is pure repetition, and there is no diversity of bosses and it's frustrating, the final boss doesn't even talk.
I don't like to belittle the games I play, but this one in particular left a deep impression on me.
Looks like they left the game behind, gave it up or something.
There is no race or class diversity, where is the wizard?!

It's amazing how faithful of a remake this game is to the original "Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance", a 6/10 diablo clone for the PS2.

Also, this game is extremely racist. Way more than DnD normally is.

Well that was awful, I think 3 hours is good enough for me to stop, honestly, I don't have a problem with cheap games but when the cheap game is trying really hard to do more than it actually is then we start having problems.

One of the most un fun experiences I have had in awhile. I was honestly shocked at how much I did not enjoy it because even with bad games I tend to find SOMETHING I enjoy in them. But nope not with this one with its weird hit feedback, Unfun combat, boring stages and overall boring characters I literally couldn't stand to play more after the first round. This game needed more time in the oven because under all this I really feel see something that could have been great.

I wasn't expecting a good game but this game pissed me off. You can't even play this alone. The difficulty levels are a whole lot of shit, combat needs a lot of work. AI can't even understand that they're taking damage from a far. It's obvious, Tuque Games made this game without passion. Probably Wizards of The Coast came and ''You are going to make a co-op looting game.'' they said. Sad. I gave 1/5 because I played as Drizzt, no other reason.

the video game equivalent to nails on a chalkboard
please don't play this game

The boss stood there, frozen in fear and powerless as I brutally murdered his entire family right before his wide, helpless eyes.

I tried to play this game with a friend but the game did not let us have a low latency and it was a horrible experience.
Idk if they ever fixed that but when we played it was literally unplayable as co-op!

'Dark Alliance' is a generically ugly and deeply unsatisfying action RPG. The enemy hit detection is suspect and there is an odd delay in the game's responses to not only your inputs but also to your actions. All of this makes it feel like the world of 'Dark Alliance,' and the enemy creatures within it, are barely aware of your presence. And no amount of unlocked attacks or tinkered gear will change that. At game's end, as powered up as I would ever become, an enormous sledgehammer whack to the head might not even get the smallest enemy grunt to turn around. For a game like this (equate this to the 'Diablo' series), you absolutely need to feel powerful. THAT'S the fun of these games. In 'Dark Alliance,' you are never allowed a glimmer of that feeling. Not because the game is difficult, but because the feedback loop is broken. I couldn't tell you if there is a decent story here. I played this with three friends online who talked through all the cutscenes. So, if there is any saving grace in the narrative, I can't be the one to speak to it.

One of the worst games I have ever played. Absolutely inexcusable in every sense.

One of the greatest wastes of capital Quebec's videogame industry has ever produced.

This made a decent first impression actually. I thought my little dwarf guy looked kind of cool swinging his dumb axe around. I figured a few hours in, with a few upgrades and some more enemy variety, there could be something cool. I was wrong. I don't know that I'd even recommend it as a gamepass download. There's lots of other good stuff on there.

combate bem ruim e eu só em diverti um pouco porque eu tava jogando com amigos

I only played a few hours so I won't slap a rating on here but this game is absolute butt cheeks. I'm a huge fan of D&D and I find the lore here interesting but the game is just not good at all.

If I wanted to play Godfall, I would just play Godfall.

Big oof.

I have a lot of patience when it comes to video games and I’m always willing to give a game a fair shot if it sounds like something I’d enjoy. I think I’m typically pretty lenient so I’m having trouble thinking of a single game I peaced out of faster than this one.

It’s bad with extra bad on the side. Looks bad (I’m not a graphics whore but this game is like… I don’t know how to explain it but kind of blurry or fuzzy, maybe?), feels bad, is bad. The imbalanced difficulty for solo play is apparently ridiculous so I tried to play with other people expecting that to at least be kind of fun even if the game was trash. It wasn’t.

It honestly feels like they were just counting on D&D fans to buy the game without question and I sincerely hope that didn’t happen to too many people because I can’t imagine how awful it would feel to love D&D and then play this. If they were at all hoping to get more people interested in D&D, I’m not sure they’ll be able to count that mission accomplished. Certainly not when it comes to me anyway!

I played this game for 4 levels for free and I feel ripped off.

Still more time spent playing than the play testers did I gues because WOW was this a buggy, boring, monotonous experience with friends.

And when you're ALONE its an absolutely punishing, poorly balanced mess with subzero enjoyment to be had.

How we got a game this year worse than Balan Wonderworld will always allude me, but at least you don't have to waste $60 on it if you have game pass and either an Xbox or a decent pc.

DnD: DA has some major technical problems at this point (launch 6/22nd) that make it hard to evaluate the underlying game

Everything in the game feels super slidey and floaty. Characters will slowly slide uphill when standing. You move a little too far with each step that makes the run animation like a little like skating. You can miss a jump by seemingly several feet only to have the game count it as a ledge grab and likewise you can be several feet from an environmental hazard and still be hit by it.

enemies will sometimes vanish when dead, yet your targeting lock will still focus on them and hits will continue to record. Other times when they die they Metal Gear fulton straight vertically off the screen like they had 200% Smash brothers damage.

Catti-Brie's attack range is greater than enemy aggro range, so I was able to kill some bosses without them ever moving. Oddly the game seems to be possibly aware of this as it penalizes you by reducing the damage they receive when you do this.

Hit detection seems to possibly be server side, so there's often odd lag from when your animation shows a hit and the enemy npc reacts.

The actual underlying game itself seems ok, not amazing but good ole cheesy AA schlock with a occasional smart wrinkles (Like you are only able to access your new drops back at camp).

but in this state the game is a pure schadenfreude laugher.