Reviews from

in the past

Por extraño que parezca me envicié al UFC, muchísimos estilos de combate, combos y mecánicas

the knockout kings series died for the most bland fighting game ever made by a major publisher
the Madden 06 of combat sports games big promises no actual features

Typical UFC game which is of course the most fun playing with friends. Nothing too crazy about it but the game's combat rocks!

Solid game, horrible unbalanced and tough to get ahead online

Le plus mauvais de la licence

Horrible. Just awful. Like vomit on a sunday. Ew.

A depressing single player mode, but it's still an enjoyable experience nonetheless.

I mean the dlc with Bruce Lee was cool and fighting was fun. Character customization was cool too... just it was SOOOOO BORING. Jesus i can never get into this franchise