Reviews from

in the past

Y'know, this game could actually be symbolism for how toxic Santa's workshop actually is. Most probably envision it as this joyful, happy place of industry where all the elves are jovial and giddy when making toys. But Elf Bowling showcases the dichotomy, and implies that the elves are bowling pins for Santa Claus to throw bowling balls at his very will. Presumably, this is one of the forms of torture he utilizes when the elves are slacking off. This could also be a form of entertainment whenever he gets bored of watching his marionettes perform elf labor all year round. Or maybe, it's all just a metaphor for the ill-treatment the elves experience on a daily basis, with Saint Nick not physically torturing them but loading them with work that hits them like a bowling ball, to which they squeal in pain and immediately topple over (as an act of surrendering to anguish they cannot fight against).

anyways the game is okay I guess

There’s a movie of this with Tom Kenny

Imagine if they made a movie out of this

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Three words:
Elf Bowling.

they should give out this game instead of coal tbh.